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Everything between 88 days and 165 years.

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Q: How much time approximatly does it take each planet to orbit the sun?
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What is The deviation of each planet's orbit from a circle is given by the?

The deviation of each planet's orbit from a circle is referred to as its eccentricity. It is a measure of how much the planet's orbit deviates from a perfect circle, with a value of 0 indicating a perfectly circular orbit and values closer to 1 indicating more elliptical orbits. Eccentricity influences the shape and characteristics of a planet's orbit, affecting factors such as its closest and farthest distances from the sun.

The eccentricity of a planet's orbit describes?

The eccentricity of a planet's orbit describes how elliptical (or non-circular) the orbit is. It is a measure of how much the orbit deviates from a perfect circle. A value of 0 represents a perfect circle, while values closer to 1 indicate a more elongated orbit.

Why did neptune become the farthest planet from 1979 to 1999?

Neptune became the farthest planet from 1979 to 1999 due to its elliptical orbit around the Sun. Approximately every 164.79 years, Neptune's orbit takes it farther from the Sun than any other planet, a position it held during that time period.

When you say that a planet has a highly eccentric orbit you means that?

The orbit of a planet is highly eccentric when it is more elongated rather than circular. This means the planet's distance from the sun varies significantly throughout its orbit, resulting in periods of being closer and then farther away from the sun.

Do stars orbit around mars?

No. Mars is a planet and thus much smaller than any star. Stars cannot orbit planets. However, Mars does orbit the sun, which is a star.

Related questions

What is The deviation of each planet's orbit from a circle is given by the?

The deviation of each planet's orbit from a circle is referred to as its eccentricity. It is a measure of how much the planet's orbit deviates from a perfect circle, with a value of 0 indicating a perfectly circular orbit and values closer to 1 indicating more elliptical orbits. Eccentricity influences the shape and characteristics of a planet's orbit, affecting factors such as its closest and farthest distances from the sun.

How much does your planet to orbit around the sun?

Please be specific about which planet.

How much it takes my planet to orbit the sun?

1 year.

How much later does the moon rise each night?

The moon rises about 50 minutes later each night, due to its orbit around Earth and the rotation of our planet.

Why do planet stay in their orbits without colliding?

Each planet sits in a stable orbit under the control of the Sun's gravity. Gravity causes the planet to accelerate towards the Sun, but the speed of the planet along its orbit prevents it falling in. Instead it continuously curves towards the Sun without getting very much closer. The planets are in orbits of widely different sizes so they never come close enough to influence each other.

How much does 1 Safeway store make in profits a year?

Safeway makes approximatly 5 mil at each store

How much gravity does it take to keep planets in orbit?

A fair amount, though it depends on the distances of the planets and their masses. The important thing is that the gravity (and therefore mass) of the central sun must be much greater than that of the planets, other wise they would orbit each other (or the sun would orbit the planet if its mass was much greater).

The eccentricity of a planet's orbit describes?

The eccentricity of a planet's orbit describes how elliptical (or non-circular) the orbit is. It is a measure of how much the orbit deviates from a perfect circle. A value of 0 represents a perfect circle, while values closer to 1 indicate a more elongated orbit.

What are facts about Neptune's rings?

Not much, they are made of ice, rock, and dust and orbit the planet.

Why did neptune become the farthest planet from 1979 to 1999?

Neptune became the farthest planet from 1979 to 1999 due to its elliptical orbit around the Sun. Approximately every 164.79 years, Neptune's orbit takes it farther from the Sun than any other planet, a position it held during that time period.

When you say that a planet has a highly eccentric orbit you means that?

The orbit of a planet is highly eccentric when it is more elongated rather than circular. This means the planet's distance from the sun varies significantly throughout its orbit, resulting in periods of being closer and then farther away from the sun.

How much sugar is in a blue berry?

approximatly 11%