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About 19% of incoming solar radiation is absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere.

  • Incoming solar radiation: 100%
  • Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%
  • Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%
  • Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%
Source: (NASA)
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10y ago

Of the incoming solar radiation 26% is reflected by the earth's atmosphere and clouds.

  • Incoming solar radiation: 100%
  • Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%
  • Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%
  • Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%
(Source NASA)
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10y ago

Of the incoming solar radiation 16% is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, 3% is absorbed by clouds and 51%is absorbed by the earth's surface, making a total of 70%.

  • Incoming solar radiation: 100%
  • Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%
  • Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%
  • Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%
(Source NASA)
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10y ago

Of the incoming solar radiation 16% is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere.

  • Incoming solar radiation: 100%
  • Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%
  • Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%
  • Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%
  • Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%
(Source NASA)
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6y ago

The Earth has an angular diameter of approx 0.0024 degrees when viewed from the sun. This means that the Earth's disc accounts for approx 5*10-6 of the sphere surrounding the sun. The sun radiates light in all directions - covering an area of 4*pi stradians. Therefore the Earthaccound for 3.7*10-7 of the sphere surrounding the sun. Even if the earth were fully covered by clouds and they absorbed all the incident sunlight, that would only account for 3.7*10-5 %, or less than 4 parts in ten million.

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Q: How much solar energy is reflected by clouds and other particles?
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What happens to the heat sun?

This isn't the best answer, but it starts with 100% radiation, 25% is reflected back by clouds and other particles, 20% is absorbed by particles in the atmosphere, 50% of radiation reaches and is absorbed by Earth's surface, and 5% of radiation from the sun is reflected by land and sea surface.

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Most of the sunlight that reaches Earth is absorbed by the Earth's surface, oceans, and atmosphere. Some of it is reflected back to space by clouds, ice, and other reflective surfaces. The absorbed sunlight is converted into heat, which drives the Earth's climate system.

How much of the sun's energy is absorbed or reflected by clouds?

Yes, about 26% of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space by the clouds and atmosphere.Incoming solar radiation: 100%Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%

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About 50 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface. In addition, about 9 percent is reflected.About 22 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is reflected by clouds and the atmosphere.About 19 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere.

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Direct radiation comes from a single source and follows a straight path, while diffuse radiation is scattered sunlight that has been redirected in various directions by the atmosphere or other surfaces. Direct radiation is more intense and has a more concentrated energy than diffuse radiation.

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The energy a particle possesses due to its position relative to other charged particles is referred to as potential energy. This energy is stored in the system and is related to the charges and distances between the particles. As particles move and interact, this potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy.

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Yes, conduction is the transfer of heat energy through a material by particles colliding with each other. The particles transfer kinetic energy to neighboring particles as they collide, causing the heat energy to move through the material.

What happens to the energy in the wavelengths of light that are not reflected?

The energy in the wavelengths of light that are not reflected is typically absorbed by the object or surface (resulting in an increase in its temperature) or transmitted through it. In the case of transmission, the light energy can pass through the material and potentially be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted again by other materials it encounters.

What is heat energy How is it different from temperature?

Heat energy is the total kinetic energy of particles within a substance. Temperature, on the other hand, is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance. In simpler terms, heat energy is the total movement of particles, while temperature is the average speed of those particles.

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