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Q: How much of your parents make up of your genetic code?
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How much gene material of the parents do each offspring plant have?

Each offspring plant inherits half of its genetic material from each parent. This means that offspring plants have a 50-50 combination of genes from the mother and father.

Why is DNA unique in an organism?

DNA is the acronym for Deoxyribonucleic Acid and it refers to the genetic make up of every person based on the genes inherited from ones biological parents. DNA refers to the genetic make up as of our eye color, hair color, skin tone, height, etc.

How does genetic recombination cause genetic variation?

Genetic recombination, which occurs during crossing over in meiosis, involves the swapping of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. This process creates new combinations of alleles on a single chromosome, leading to genetic diversity in offspring. As a result, individuals inherit a unique combination of genetic traits from their parents, contributing to genetic variation in populations.

Why only the DNA is the genetic material not the RNA in the cell?

Nucleic Acids, DNA and RNA, are polymers- that is, they are composed of repeating subunits, or monomers. This subunits, monomers, are nucleotides. DNA is the blueprint of all information in our body, but can't get out of the cell nucleus. So, DNA makes a copy (it is not an exact copy) of itself that is called RNA. This process is called transcription. Now, the RNA can take that information from the nucleus to the ribosomes where can be used to make proteins. The DNA is the genetic material because is where all the information of our body is stored, the RNA only transfers specific information to the ribosomes. Just the information to make specific protein, no all the information in the DNA. DNA has taken over RNA as genetic material during evolution majorly due to its structural stability....

What is the primary function of DNA in cells?

The primary function of DNA in cells is to store and transmit genetic information. It contains the instructions needed for an organism's growth, development, and functioning by encoding the production of proteins.

Related questions

How much body material is need to get a genetic code?

A sinlge drop of blood or a strand of your hair is more tha enough to get your genetic code.

What is DNA in a cell responsible for?

DNA in a cell is responsible for storing genetic information that determines an organism's traits and functions. It carries the instructions needed for the growth, development, and functioning of all living organisms. DNA also serves as a template for the synthesis of proteins that carry out essential cellular functions.

What is the genetics chart?

A genetics chart, also known as a Punnett square, is a tool used to predict the possible outcomes of a genetic cross between two individuals. It is a grid system that helps visualize the combination of alleles that offspring might inherit from their parents. The chart is based on the principles of Mendelian genetics.

I am 18 i am a dependent in 2010 i will graduate and i need to know about how much can i make with still getting a full ride from FAFSA?

It all depends on how much your parents make. Even though you are dependent if you are under 25 it stills goes under how much your parents make.

How do genetic and environmental factors work together to promote a child's temperament?

pretty much most of the genetic stuff could includ add and other genetic disabiliteis like that. But most of the things that cause tempermant issues are seeing how the parents behave and following example of kids and adults around them that they look up to.

How much DNA do humans share with a lemur?

Humans and lemurs share about 95-99% of their DNA, indicating a relatively close genetic relationship. Despite the similarity, there are distinct differences in the genetic code that account for the unique characteristics of each species.

How much money you can earn in genetic engineering?

how much a genetic engineer is paid as the starting salary and till how much it can progress upto?

What is genetic?

Genetics is the study of heredity and the variation in organisms. When studying genetics, you learn about dominant and recessive traits along with much more.

What is the genetics?

a genetic chart shows a trait of two parents to show how much of their off spring would have that trait. the trait is dominate and recessive trait.

Do chicken pills make your butt bigger?

No, that depends on your genetic makeup and how much food you eat.

Code to perfect ring on godzhell?

you cant unless traxxas tells you to so pretty much these is no code you make them ask traxxas don't bug him much or he will BAN!!!

Why arent children identical to either of their parents?

Because they're a mixture of those parents; some from Mom, some from Dad. Occasionally, a child looks very much like one parent, but this is just appearance; exactly half of you came from each parent.