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All of it.

ALL energy is solar energy. If we're not collecting the sunlight directly and turning it into electricity, then we're burning coal or oil - which came from ancient plants (or ancient animals who ate the plants) that turned the solar energy of millions of years ago into the form we're using now.

Or perhaps we're using electricity - generated by water going through turbines. Water that rained in the mountains after being evaporated from the oceans from the SUN's light that heated the ocean surface.

Do you have a fireplace, and burn wood? The wood came from trees that grew in the sunlight and stored the solar energy.

The only power source that doesn't come from our own Sun is nuclear power- which came from the supernova explosions of incredibly ancient suns that died five BILLION years and more ago, where the uranium and thorium were created and then fell into the planetary nebula that became our Sun and solar system. So it's still "solar energy" - just from a different, long-dead sun.

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Q: How much of the energy that reaches earths is supplied by the sun through radiation?
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What percentage of the suns radiation that reaches the earths atmosphere is absorbed by earths surface?

About 50% of the sun's radiation that reaches Earth's atmosphere is absorbed by the Earth's surface. The remaining energy is either reflected back to space or absorbed by the atmosphere.

What is the term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface?

The term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface is "insolation." Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at the surface of the Earth.

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It find its way to earth

What kind of radiation passes through the atmosphere and reaches the earths surface?

Most of the visible light and some of the ultraviolet and infrared radiation from the sun pass through the atmosphere and reach the Earth's surface. Other forms of radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays, are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere and do not reach the surface.

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Your mom is the answer to my std.

How much radiation is absorbed by the earths surface?

The amount of radiation absorbed by the Earth's surface varies depending on factors such as location, time of day, and cloud cover. On average, about half of the solar radiation that reaches the Earth's atmosphere is absorbed by the surface, where it is then transformed into heat energy.

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Ozone layer contains ozone molecules in abundance. These molecules decompose themselves to absorb ozone.

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The UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface is mostly UVA and some UVB. Almost half the daytime total of the more harmful UVB radiation is received between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Even on a cloudy day, you can be sunburned by UVB radiation.

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Magma that reaches the Earth's surface is known as lava.

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Visible light radiation passes most easily through Earth's atmosphere. This type of radiation includes the colors of the rainbow (RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET).

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Magma that reaches earth's surface is called lava.