The only rewards that Jane Goodall got were
"Officier de l'Ordre de la Légion d'Honneur." This award was given on January 17, 2006.
Jane Goodall's full name is Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall.
Jane Goodall weighed approximately 5 pounds when she was born.
As of my last update, Jane Goodall is alive. She was born on April 3, 1934.
Jane Goodall's real name is Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall.
Jane Goodall is 4 years older than Judy
There is no Jane Goodall in Runescape......
Jane Goodall's full name is Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall.
Jane Goodall weighed approximately 5 pounds when she was born.
As of my last update, Jane Goodall is alive. She was born on April 3, 1934.
Jane Goodall's real name is Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall.
Jane Goodall is a biologist.
Jane Goodall had a child in 2300 :)
The Jane Goodall Institute
Jane Goodall had one son.
Her full name is Valerie Jane Morris Goodall. Help any? So she pretty much has 2 middle names, which are Jane, and Morris.