The cost of a human egg can vary greatly, but typically ranges from $5,000 to $10,000. This price is influenced by factors such as the donor's specific characteristics, location, and the requirements of the fertility clinic.
The scientific name for the female egg cell is ovum.
The egg cell, also called the haploid cell, is the female gamete. A pair of gametes, egg and sperm, are what are needed in order for reproduction to occur.
How the nucleus from a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell
How the nucleus from a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell
The female sex cell in animals is called an ovum or egg.
he is worth 2 egg rolls
it might be worth 30 million or more but it depends what dinosuar egg it is
so there is a higher chance of fertielisation of the female egg
The purpose of the female egg is to reproduce. If a sperm joins an egg, a baby results.
the female gamete, the egg or ovum
The female egg cell is the stamen.
1 trillion dollars
In the early stages of egg development, a female kiwi can eat the usual amount of food, and in fact needs to eat three times as much to provide the nutrients for the egg. Because the egg is so large relative to the kiwi (it can be as much as 25% of the weight of the bird), when it is nearly full size, it takes up a large space inside the kiwi. In the last few days before the egg is laid, the female kiwi has no space for food in her stomach.
17 pounds of salt. or 4 chickens.
egg is a female egg,which is the same as ovum.