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If the two polar ice caps on Mars' surface were to be melted, it would release enough water to cover the entire planet with approximately 11 meters of water.

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2w ago

It is estimated that there could be as much as 1.5 kilometers (0.93 miles) of ice beneath the surface of Mars, particularly in the polar regions. This ice is composed of a mixture of water ice and frozen carbon dioxide. Ongoing missions and research are continuously improving our understanding of the distribution and composition of ice on Mars.

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Yes, there has been enormous quantities of ice discovered just under the surface of Mars as of 2002.

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No. For two reasons: # The temperature on the Martian surface is less than 0 Celsius and thus any water (to form a swamp) would be in the form of ice and therefore solid. # The atmospheric pressure on Mars is so low that water can not exist at the surface. If you place a lump of ice on Mars and heated it, it would go straight form solid Ice to water vapor. Thus this again means that there can be no water on the surface of mars with which to form a wet swamp. However, having said this please understand that there is H2O on Mars in the form of ICE and water vapor - we do not know how much H2O there is at the moment and we believe that there was quite allot of liquid water on Mars' surface in the ancient past.

What planet that has water ice in polar ice caps and near the surface of the planet?

Mars and Earth.