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The concept of wormholes is a theoretical topological feature of spacetime. It's possible construct is caused by two black holes or a black hole and a white hole. The wormhole itself is not a physical entity, just a name for the corridor between the two and thus cannot have any gravity.

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8mo ago

A wormhole is a hypothetical tunnel-like structure in spacetime that connects two points in space. The gravity near a wormhole would depend on the mass and energy distribution in its vicinity. In theory, a wormhole could have significant gravitational effects, but its exact properties are uncertain due to the speculative nature of wormholes.

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In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

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Wormhole Chasers was created in 2007.

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In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist. Though if wormhole exist, it is like having a shortcut; you can go to other universes and also you can use it as a time machine.

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there is no evidence that a wormhole exist, but in the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exist. And if a wormhole exist, it is a short cut for traveling into other universes such as parallel universe and also for time traveling.

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no one ever seen a wormhole before. There is no evidence that a wormhole exist, but in the law of physics, a wormhole can possibly be exist.

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In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist. And if wormhole exists,it wont bring you to other galaxy, but you go to other universes through it and also travel in time.

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The duration of Wormhole Chasers is 240.0 seconds.

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How many wormholes are there on the universe?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

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Wormhole - video game - was created in 2000.