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Roses typically benefit from light fertilization every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer designed for roses and follow the instructions on the label. Overfertilization can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowers.

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Q: How much fertilizer does a rose need?
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How much fertilizer do you need?

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Too much Nitrogen based fertilizer or lack of light causing etiolation

How much fertilizer does one need for one acre of tobacco?

One acre of tobacco will need anywhere from 200 pounds to 250 pounds of fertilizer. How much depends on the nutrients needed by your crop and soil.

What is the independent variables of fertilizer to plants?

How much fertilizer will be used and what kind of fertilizer.

Why did your plant die when you have been watering it with fertilizer?

It is possible you gave it too much water or too much fertilizer. Fertilizer can burn the roots.

Why is my rose bush not growing as fast as last year?

Cold weather can make it more difficult for rose bushes to thrive. However, a fertilizer that does not provide adequate food for the rose could also be a problem. Try using the same fertilizer you have used in previous years to see if you notice any change.

How will the fertilizer effect the pant grow?

Fertilizer affects the growth and health of plants. Too much fertilizer can be as detrimental as not enough. Fertilizer is a combination of minerals that feed plants. As with other living things, plants need food to flourish. Although, there are small amounts of minerals in fertilizer, the three larger, basic ones are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Units in a pound of fertilizer 1152?

What is in 1152 fertilizer and how much of ecah ingredient?

What food do calla lilies need?

Calla Lillies need a commercial fertilizer that is a diluted mixture of 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer. They need this monthly.