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Q: How much energy is required to vaporize 2 kg of gold with this equation q ml vapor?
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How does evaporation involve the storage of heat?

During evaporation, heat energy is absorbed from the surroundings to break the bonds between liquid molecules and convert them into vapor. This absorption of heat causes a cooling effect on the surroundings, as the energy is stored in the vapor molecules until they condense back into liquid form.

What do liquid solvents produce when they vaporize?

a gas

What is latent heat of sublimation?

When a substance is below the triple point, the equilibrium will be between solid and vapor rather than solid/liquid or liquid/vapor. Sublimation is the direct change from solid to vapor without any intermediate phase change. The latent heat of sublimation is the energy required to change a given quantity of solid into the vapor at equilibrium. It is analogous to (but not the same as) latent heat of melting (energy required to melt the solid to liquid) and latent heat of vaporization (energy required to change a liquid into a gas).

Why do syrup evaporates if you add heat?

Syrup evaporates when heated because the heat increases the energy of the molecules in the syrup, allowing them to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together. This causes the liquid syrup to vaporize into the air as water vapor.

What is the equation for vapor pressure?


Related questions

How is h fusion used to calculate the energy required to vaporize a volume of liquid?

The heat of fusion is used to first convert the volume of liquid to its solid form, then the heat of vaporization is used to convert the solid to vapor. By summing the two energy values, you can calculate the total energy required to vaporize the liquid volume.

What is meant by saturated liquid vapor?

Any addition of thermal energy to a saturated liquid will cause it to vaporize. Any subtraction of thermal energy from a saturated vapor will cause it to condense.

What information does the latent heat of vaporization give?

The energy needed to completely vaporize a mole of a liquid

How is the H fusion used to calculate the energy required to vaporize a volume of luquid?

The energy required to vaporize a volume of liquid can be calculated using the heat of vaporization, which is the amount of energy needed to convert a unit mass of liquid into vapor at a constant temperature. This energy is typically provided by sources such as electricity or heat, rather than hydrogen fusion. Hydrogen fusion, on the other hand, is a nuclear reaction that powers stars and can be used to produce large amounts of energy through reactions like those in the Sun.

In order to get liquid water to become water to become water vapor what must be energy?

Energy must be added to liquid water so that it reaches the boiling point, at which point the water will vaporize into water vapor.

To convert into vapor?

Vaporize Evaporate

What is a word that means convert into vapor?

The word that means convert into vapor is "vaporize".

How does evaporation involve the storage of heat?

During evaporation, heat energy is absorbed from the surroundings to break the bonds between liquid molecules and convert them into vapor. This absorption of heat causes a cooling effect on the surroundings, as the energy is stored in the vapor molecules until they condense back into liquid form.

What is the adjective for vapour?

Vapourous is the adjective related to the word vapour. Adjectives describing vapour include water, mysterious, and eerie.

What is the noun form of vaporize?

The noun forms of the verb to vaporize are vaporizer, vaporization, and the gerund, vaporizing.A related noun form is vapor.

Is heat of vaporization for water is equal to heat on condensation of water?

Yes, the heat of vaporization for water is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the heat of condensation. This means that the amount of energy required to vaporize water is the same as the amount of energy released when water vapor condenses back into liquid water.

What do liquid solvents produce when they vaporize?

a gas