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80 calories per gram (called the latent heat of fusion)

80 x 255.67 = 20453.6 calories

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Q: How much energy is needed to melt 255.67 grams of ice?
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How much energy is needed to melt 25.4 grams of L's?

The energy needed to melt a substance is given by its heat of fusion. For L's, this value is typically around 334 J/g. So, to melt 25.4 grams of L's, you would need 25.4 grams x 334 J/g ≈ 8476 J of energy.

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The energy required to melt a substance is its heat of fusion. For Palladium (Pd), the heat of fusion is 16.74 kJ/mol. To calculate the energy needed to melt 4.24 grams of Pd, first convert to moles by dividing by the molar mass of Pd (106.42 g/mol), then multiply by the heat of fusion. This yields approximately 3.34 kJ of energy needed to melt 4.24 grams of Pd.

How much energy is needed to melt g of ice at 0 Celsius?

To melt 1 gram of ice at 0°C, it requires 334 joules of energy. So for g grams of ice, the energy needed would be g multiplied by 334 joules.

How much energy is needed to melt 4.24 grams of Pd?

The energy required to melt a substance can be calculated using the heat of fusion value for that substance. The heat of fusion for palladium (Pd) is 16.74 kJ/mol. To convert grams to moles, divide the given mass by the molar mass of Pd (106.42 g/mol), then multiply by the heat of fusion value to find the energy needed to melt 4.24 grams of Pd.

How much energy is needed to melt 25.4grams of l2?

To calculate the energy needed to melt 25.4 grams of I2 (iodine), you can use the formula: energy = mass x heat of fusion. The heat of fusion for iodine is 15.52 kJ/mol. First, find the molar mass of I2 (253.8 g/mol) and then convert the mass to moles. Finally, multiply the moles by the heat of fusion to get the energy needed.

How many joules of energy are needed to melt 54-grams of ice at its melting point?

The specific heat capacity of ice is 2.09 J/g°C and the heat of fusion for ice is 334 J/g. To melt the ice at its melting point, we need to calculate the energy required to raise the temperature of the ice from 0°C to its melting point and then to melt it. The total energy needed would be the sum of the energy required to heat the ice and the energy needed to melt it.

How many calories would be needed to melt 10 grams of ice at 0 degrees C?

To melt 10 grams of ice at 0 degrees Celsius, it would require 80 calories of heat energy per gram, so a total of 800 calories (80 calories/gram * 10 grams = 800 calories) would be needed.

How is the Hfusion used to calculate the energy needed to melt a mass of solid?

Grams solid mol/g Hfusion

How much energy is needed to melt 2kg of gold?

It takes approximately 64,000 Joules of energy to melt 1kg of gold. Therefore, to melt 2kg of gold, you would need around 128,000 Joules of energy.

How much energy is gained by 3 grams of ice when it changes to water?

The energy needed to change ice into water is called the heat of fusion. For ice, this value is around 334 joules per gram. So, for 3 grams of ice, the energy gained when it changes to water would be around 1002 joules (334 joules/gram * 3 grams).

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How is the Hfusion used to calculate the needed to melt the mass of a solid?

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