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Q: How much does an amoeba need to eat?
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What do amoeba eat on?

Amoeba eats other organisms and smaller protists

Why can amoeba get so large?

Well, the amoeba is a very complicated type of cell life form. An Amoeba does not go through a well planned diet, so they get much larger then other cells. Amoeba's basically eat anything they can find or die trying.

When does a amoeba eat?

To eat, the amoeba stretches out the pseudopod, surrounds a piece of food, and pulls it into the rest of the amoeba's body. Amoebas eat algae, bacteria, other protozoans, and tiny particles of dead plant or animal matter.

How does amoeba eat food?


What do the amoeba use to eat with?


Why do amoeba get so large?

they eat

How amoeba die?

Amoeba can die if they lack oxygen. They need it.

How much cells are in an amoeba?

there are only one cell in amoeba

How do amoeba-like protists eat?


Why do some amoeba get so large?

they eat

What body part allows amoeba to move?

The psuedopod is used to help the amoeba move, and also to eat. It is a part of the amoeba's body that it can stretch out and pull itself with.

What and how do amoeba's eat?

An amoeba cell eats other unicellular organisms like paramecium, bacteria, and plant cells. Some are even parasitic! Amoeba cells eat by moving its cytoplasm (also called pseudopods) around its prey. The prey is literally inside the amoeba now. The Amoeba forms a vacuole around it and breaks it down for nourishment and absorbs it through its cytoplasm.