As of September 2021, one Australian dollar is approximately equal to 0.73 US dollars. The exchange rate between the two currencies can fluctuate daily due to various factors like economic conditions, interest rates, and geopolitical events. It's advisable to check the current exchange rate for the most accurate conversion.
10 US gallons = 37.85 liters
As of current exchange rates, 100 Kenyan shillings is approximately equal to 1 US dollar.
500mL is equal to about 16.9 US fluid ounces.
14 liters is equal to 14,000 milliliters.
85 cubic meters is equal to approximately 22,454 gallons.
One Australian dollar equal 0,874 84 US dollar.
1 US dollar = 1.19119 Australian dollars
1 Australian dollar is worth 1.06 Dollar in US
1 US Dollar is equal to about 1.08 Australian Dollars
Roughly 1 to 1. Currently one Australian dollar is equal to 1.06 US Dollars. But that is subject to change.
1 Australian dollar = 1.0264 US.
The currency in Greece is called Drachmae. As of today 26 April 2009, one Australian dollar is equal to 185.351 Greek Drachmae
Currency conversions are constantly changing. As of August 4, 2012: 1 US Dollar = 0.95 Australian Dollars
One Australian dollar is equal to about $0.92 US dollars, on March 22, 2010. Lately, it has been staying pretty close to that, if not more to a US dollar!
One dollar
1 Australian dollar = 1.0264 US.
8000 US Dollars is 8625.36 Australian Dollars