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Q: How much did it rain during hurricane sandy?
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Where did it rain from Hurricane Sandy but also snow at the same time?

Garrett, Maryland had rain and snow at the same time during Hurricane Sandy.

Why did hurricane sandy produce so much rain?

All hurricanes produce large amounts of rain. It is a result of the huge amount of moisture a hurricane carries.

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When will Hurricane Sandy hit Gerogia?

Hurricane Sandy won't hit Georgia. The storm has already passed, striking New Jersey on October 29, 2012. Georgia has some rain from Sandy on October 27.

Is Hurricane Sandy today November 1 2012 going to be bad?

No. The worst of Hurricane Sandy is over as of November 1. Little more than rain showers are expected from the remnants.

Did Hurricane Sandy hit Washington?

Hurricane sandy did not impact Washington D.C. directly, but the city felt some effects of the storm, including strong winds and rain. Sandy never went anywhere near the state of Washington.

How much rain fell per minute during hurricane Katrina?

12 inchs per minute

When will hurricane sandy hit?

The eye of Hurricane Sandy is expected to make landfall near Atlantic City, NJ on Monday, October 29 at around 6 or 7 p.m. eastern. The entire northeastern US will feel effects from Sandy's wind, rain and flooding.

Is Hurricane Sandy over?

Not quite yet. As of October 30 Sandy, now a post-tropical cyclone is still producing wind and rain in the eastern U.S. and Canada.

What other landforms did hurricane sandy affect besides that US?

In addition to the U.S. Hurricane Sandy made direct hits on Jamaica, Cuba, and the Bahamas. The outer rain bands had significant impacts on Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Strong winds, rain, and even a small tornado struck Bermuda. Parts of Canada were affected by the outer wind bands of Sandy as well.

Will Hurricane Sandy reach Detroit?

No. While the outer fringes of Sandy might give Detroit a bit of wind and rain, the storm itself is not expected to go that far west.