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20 million metric tons

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Q: How much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans on a daily basis?
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What gas in the atmosphere was absorbed by the oceans as they formed?

The ocean water absorbed much of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What do oceans on earth absorbed much of?

carbon dioxide

What activities of man results acidification of oceans?

Activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This excess carbon dioxide is absorbed by the oceans, causing them to become more acidic.

What is carbon dioxide naturally absorbed and stored in?

Carbon dioxide is naturally absorbed and stored in oceans, forests, soils, and wetlands through processes like photosynthesis, carbon sequestration, and chemical reactions.

Large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide are absorbed by .?


How is carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere besides photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere through processes like carbon sequestration, where it is stored in geological formations or in forests. Additionally, chemical reactions in seawater and weathering of rocks can also contribute to the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by?

Forests and Oceans.

How is carbon dioxide fixed in the atmosphere?

It is not fixed in the atmosphere. It moves as part of the carbon cycle in and out of the oceans, the atmosphere and the land.

What absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

The carbon dioxide is absorbed by: 1. Chlorophyll in green plants. The chlorophyll breaks down the carbon dioxide to carbon and oxygen. The carbon is used by the plant as a nutrient and the oxygen is released to the atmosphere. 2. Oceans. The carbon dioxide absorbed and dissolved in the water. The carbon dioxide is adsorbed by green algae and water micro organisms.

How many times more carbon is in the oceans than in the atmosphere?

There is roughly 50 times more carbon stored in the oceans than in the atmosphere. The oceans act as a significant carbon sink, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What role does the combustion of fossil fuels have in the carbon cycle?

The combustion of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming. This disrupts the balance of the carbon cycle by adding more carbon dioxide than natural systems can absorb, leading to increased levels of carbon in the atmosphere and oceans.

What are large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide absorbed by?

The ocean absorbs large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and is acidified thereby.