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Q: How much carbon dioxide does a Lorry emit?
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How much carbon dioxide does a commercial jet emit on a 5 hour flight?

On average, a commercial jet emits around 1 ton of carbon dioxide per hour of flight time. Therefore, on a 5-hour flight, a commercial jet would emit approximately 5 tons of carbon dioxide.

How much carbon dioxide is created by ferries?

Global carbon dioxide emissions are 26 gigatonnes (26 billion tonnes) of carbon dioxide annually (2013).Carbon dioxide from all shipping is 4% to 5% of global emissions (1,300,000,000 (1.3 billion) tonnes).Ferries make up less than 1% of all shipping.So ferries probably emit around 13,000,000 (13 million) tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

How much carbon dioxide does a bus emit?

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a bus can vary depending on factors such as fuel efficiency, distance traveled, and passenger capacity. On average, a diesel-powered bus emits around 0.9 kg of CO2 per mile. This can add up to several tons of CO2 emissions over the course of a year for a typical bus.

How much carbon dioxide did the earth emit between 2000 and 2006?

During the years 2000 to 2006, the Earth emitted approximately 190 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. This accounts for approximately 42 percent of the total CO2 emissions over the past 250 years.

How much carbon dioxide will be produced when one kilo of pure carbon burned?

When one kilogram of pure carbon is burned, it will produce approximately 3.67 kilograms of carbon dioxide. This is because carbon combines with oxygen during combustion to form carbon dioxide (CO2).

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5500 tons of carbon dioxcide

How much carbon dioxide does a commercial jet emit on a 5 hour flight?

On average, a commercial jet emits around 1 ton of carbon dioxide per hour of flight time. Therefore, on a 5-hour flight, a commercial jet would emit approximately 5 tons of carbon dioxide.

How much carbon dioxide does a truck emit?

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a truck depends on various factors such as the type of fuel used, distance traveled, and fuel efficiency of the vehicle. On average, a typical truck can emit around 2.5 kg of carbon dioxide per liter of diesel fuel burned.

How much carbon dioxide is created by ferries?

Global carbon dioxide emissions are 26 gigatonnes (26 billion tonnes) of carbon dioxide annually (2013).Carbon dioxide from all shipping is 4% to 5% of global emissions (1,300,000,000 (1.3 billion) tonnes).Ferries make up less than 1% of all shipping.So ferries probably emit around 13,000,000 (13 million) tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

Do plants emit carbon dioxide?

Plants do produce carbon dioxide, however, the amount they produce is generally a net NEGATIVE amount. Plants, like all carbon based life forms known to date produce carbon dioxide as they use energy for biological work. This is part of the normal functioning of cells that they require oxygen in order to do this work, during which they are consuming oxygen and sugars, bonding carbon with oxygen in the process creating carbon dioxide. If they did not do this, they could not grow, and could not repair damage. HOWEVER, plants also take in carbon dioxide and use it combined with light energy in photosynthesis. This process separates the carbon and oxygen molecules, and the carbon is utilized in the preparation of stored energy ("food"). The oxygen molecules are released into the atmosphere. In a healthy plant through the bulk of its life, the plant produces more oxygen and removes more carbon dioxide than it uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. Exact amounts will vary based on available light, plant species, water, atmospheric condition and overall health of the plant. In >general< the more green you see on the plant, the more of the plant involved in photosynthesis and the more oxygen it produces. however, this does not tell you how much oxygen it uses (and thus how much carbon dioxide it produces). but in general, plants (and other chlorophyll laden life forms) consume more carbon dioxide than they create.

How much carbon dioxide does each light bulb emit?

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a light bulb depends on the type and source of energy used to generate electricity. On average, an incandescent bulb emits approximately 0.9 pounds of CO2 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity consumed, while an LED bulb emits significantly less, around 0.3 pounds of CO2 per kWh.

How much less carbon dioxide do fuel cell cars emit?

Fuel cell cars use hydrogen to drive the fuel cell in the car which generates electricity. The only emissions are water and heat. No carbon dioxide at all. (The production of the hydrogen will have a carbon footprint, unless it was produced using renewable energy.)

How much carbon dioxide does a bus emit?

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a bus can vary depending on factors such as fuel efficiency, distance traveled, and passenger capacity. On average, a diesel-powered bus emits around 0.9 kg of CO2 per mile. This can add up to several tons of CO2 emissions over the course of a year for a typical bus.

How much carbon dioxide fits in a lorry?

Assuming you mean gaseous CO2. You can roughly approximate by PV=nRT, where P and T are ambient pressure and temperature and V is the volume of the Lorry. Solve for # of moles, n. (n=PV/(RT)) For weight of CO2, each mole = atomic weight of Carbon plus 2x atomic weight of Oxygen. (44.01 grams / mole)

What are mitigations taken on climate change?

In the case of Canada we sink massive amounts of carbon using forest and cold oceans. That mitigates not only all the carbon we emit but much of the carbon you emit.

How much carbon dioxide did the earth emit between 2000 and 2006?

During the years 2000 to 2006, the Earth emitted approximately 190 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. This accounts for approximately 42 percent of the total CO2 emissions over the past 250 years.

How much carbon dioxide is in sprite?

There is no carbon dioxide present in Sprite. The carbonation in Sprite is achieved by adding carbon dioxide gas during the bottling process.