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Valerie will pay $0.12 per kilowatt-hour for the electricity she used, plus a $68 franchise fee, and a 9% sales tax on her total bill which includes the electricity cost and franchise fee. The exact amount she will pay will depend on her electricity usage in kilowatt-hours.

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Q: How much Valerie will pay for the electricity she used if the rate is 0.12 per kilowatt hour plus a 68 franchise fee and 91 sales tax?
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Hierarchy of authority in a sales organization?

In a sales organization, the hierarchy of authority typically starts with the sales representative responsible for securing sales and reporting to a sales manager. The sales manager then reports to a regional or national sales director, who in turn reports to a vice president of sales or chief sales officer. Ultimately, the chief executive officer (CEO) or board of directors holds the highest authority in the sales organization.

What are the advantages of the must do sales forecasting method?

The advantages of the "must do" sales forecasting method include increased accuracy due to focusing on essential sales activities, better alignment with business goals, and improved predictability of future sales performance. This method helps prioritize key activities and resources, leading to more efficient sales planning and execution.

What is CORE Sales Yield stand for?

CORE Sales Yield stands for Cost Of Revenue Efficiency Sales Yield. It is a metric used to measure how efficiently a company generates revenue from its cost of goods sold. It helps in assessing the effectiveness of a company's sales strategies in generating revenue relative to the costs incurred.

Do you pay sales tax on propane in North Carolina?

Yes, sales tax is applied to propane purchases in North Carolina. The current sales tax rate for propane in North Carolina is 4.75%.

What is an important factor considered by sales forecasters?

An important factor considered by sales forecasters is historical sales data, which helps in identifying trends and patterns to make accurate predictions about future sales. Other factors may include market research, economic conditions, competitor analysis, and seasonality.

Related questions

What portion of sales come from franchise businesses?

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 40 percent of all retail sales are from franchise businesses

What is the average profit for a Popeyes's franchise?

15% of sales

What did the franchise industry make in 1995?

The franchise industry generated $758 billion in sales in 1995 alone

Why do companies outsource franchise sales?

Many companies outsource franchise sales because the sales work would be done by someone else, but they reap the benefits. Many companies do this to take some pressure off themselves.

What are the total sales for a New York fries franchise?


Do customers pay sales tax on cable franchise fee?

It can depend on the sales tax laws of your state.

What jobs are in the field of franchise sales?

There are several jobs in the field of franchise sales. Hotels and fast food is just to name a few. Check other sites for more information and go with one of your favorites.

Valerie wants to purchase a CD that costs 12.99 How much would the sales tax be if the sales tax rate is 7 percent?


What is the typical cost and fees for a Burger King franchise?

The approximate Burger King franchise net profit is listed at 500,000 dollars per year. This is after franchise fees combined with annual sales.

What are some good franchise sales?

If you are looking for a franchise to purchase, you have many options. You need to narrow down what type of franchise you want like a food, clothing, card, or other types of franchises. Then you can go to that franchise's website to find out more details.

What is the price for purchasing a coffee house franchise?

The price for starting a coffee house franchise depends on what franchise but if you for example start a It's A Grind Coffee House Franchise the initial investment will be around $311,000-$488,000. The franchising royalty is also 6% of gross sales.

What is a franchise owner?

A Franchise Owner, is a Franchisee - a person who purchases the rights of the business from the Franchisor, or the Founder of the Business in other words, and pays ongoing royalty's based on a percentage of Gross Sales, such as owning a McDonald's Franchise for instance.