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Q: How might the charged clouds affect the charges in the neutral ground below the clouds during a thunderstorm?
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Do neutrons contribute to electrical charges?

Neutrons. A very similar word is neutral. And neutral means no side. So a neutron has no charge. With that in mind, neutrons don't affect the charge of an atom. Instead, they contribute to part of the mass of an atom. They also affect the life of an atom or its stability. :)

Are metals and non metals electrically neutral?

Yes. Atoms have protons (positive charges) and electrons (negative charges). However, quite often it is the negative charges (the electrons) that carry the current. In any case, the net charge in a conductor is usually zero (it is neutral) - the electrons simply go in one end and out the other, but the total number of electrons will doesn't change in normal circumstances, whether there is a current or not.

When neutrons electrons and protons leave the atom what happens to the charge on the atom?

If neutrons, electrons, and protons leave the atom, the charge on the atom will change based on the number of protons and electrons that have left. Protons and electrons have opposite charges, so if electrons leave, the atom becomes positively charged, and if protons leave, the atom becomes negatively charged. Neutrons do not affect the charge of the atom since they are neutral.

How is the behaivor of the droplets related to the charged wand experiment?

In the charged wand experiment, the behavior of the droplets is influenced by the charged wand's electric field. The charged wand induces an electric charge on the droplets, causing them to be attracted or repelled depending on their charge relative to the wand. This demonstrates the interaction between electric charges and how they affect the movement of objects in the electric field.

Do all atoms have a positive and negative charge?

Yes and no. the nucleus has protons and neutrons so it has a neutral charge and a positive charge.Further answerBut in total the resultant charge is positive, which is what the questioner wants to know.Yes the nucleus of an atom carries a positive charge.

Related questions

How do charged objects affect neutral objects?

Charged objects can induce a charge separation in neutral objects through the process of polarization, where the charges within the neutral object temporarily redistribute. This redistribution of charges can cause the neutral object to be attracted or repelled by the charged object.

How does charging by friction contact and induction each affect neutral uncharged objects?

Charging by friction involves rubbing two objects together, causing one to lose electrons (become positively charged) and the other to gain electrons (become negatively charged). Charging by contact involves bringing a charged object into contact with a neutral object, causing the neutral object to also become charged. Charging by induction involves bringing a charged object close to a neutral object, causing the charges in the neutral object to rearrange without direct contact, resulting in temporary charge separation.

What effect does a negative object have on a neutral object?

A negative object can induce a charge separation in a neutral object by attracting its positive charges toward it, leaving the neutral object with a net negative charge in the region closest to the negative object. This effect is known as polarization.

Do neutral atoms have a positive or negative charge?

No..... They are called neutral for a reason. But neutral atoms can have electrons added and removed making the atom positive or negative. And neutral atoms are still affected by charged atoms due to reason in depth but to sum up the long explanation of the affect neutral atoms are attracted to charged atoms. Just a side note.... how many of you love Leo Howard? Am I right?

What are the charges of a subtomic atom?

well an atom itself cannot be subatomic, if subatomic means 'smaller than an atom'. an atom is neutral, since it will always contain the same number of protons and electrons, which are positively and negatively charged. The number of neutrons will not affect the electrical charge of an atom since it is neutrally charged.

What are some factors that affect coulomb slaw?

Factors that affect Coulomb's law include the distance between charged particles (inverse square relationship), the magnitude of the charges, and the medium through which the charges are interacting (permittivity). Additionally, the presence of intervening objects or materials can also affect the force between charged particles.

Do neutrons contribute to electrical charges?

Neutrons. A very similar word is neutral. And neutral means no side. So a neutron has no charge. With that in mind, neutrons don't affect the charge of an atom. Instead, they contribute to part of the mass of an atom. They also affect the life of an atom or its stability. :)

How do particles with the property of charge affect each other?

Charged particle create a force between each other. The force is attractive if the charges are opposite and repulsive if the charges are the same.

A charged object does not affect an object that has no charge?

This statement is not accurate. A charged object can still interact with an object that has no charge through electrostatic forces. The charged object can induce a charge on the neutral object and attract or repel it, depending on the type of charges involved.

Are metals and non metals electrically neutral?

Yes. Atoms have protons (positive charges) and electrons (negative charges). However, quite often it is the negative charges (the electrons) that carry the current. In any case, the net charge in a conductor is usually zero (it is neutral) - the electrons simply go in one end and out the other, but the total number of electrons will doesn't change in normal circumstances, whether there is a current or not.

The electric force between two charged objects is influenced by?

The electric force between two charged objects is influenced by the magnitude of the charges on the objects and the distance between them. The force increases with the magnitude of the charges and decreases with the distance between the charges. Additionally, the presence of any intervening medium can also affect the strength of the electric force.

What happens to a neutral atom if it gains an electron?

If a neutral atom gains an electron, it becomes negatively charged and forms an anion. The extra electron increases the overall negative charge of the atom and can affect its chemical behavior and reactivity.