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how might pesticides and fertilizers on land become a problem in an ocean ecosystem

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Q: How might pesticides and fertilizers on land become a problem in an ocean ecosystem?
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How can overpopulation of a species be a problem to an ecosystem?

Overpopulation of a species can lead to competition for resources such as food and space, which can result in a decline of other species in the ecosystem. It can also lead to habitat destruction and increased pressure on the ecosystem overall, disrupting the balance of the ecosystem.

How do you improve of pond ecosystem?

To improve a pond ecosystem, you can add oxygenating plants to increase oxygen levels, introduce beneficial bacteria to maintain water quality, and create a balanced food chain by adding aquatic plants and small organisms to support fish and other wildlife. Regular monitoring and maintenance of water quality parameters like pH, temperature, and nutrient levels are also essential for a healthy pond ecosystem.

What happens to the dead bodies of plants and animal in an ecosystem?

They become food for other organisms, they decompose and ultimately the become part of the soil

How do lakes get polluted?

Lakes can become polluted through various sources such as agricultural runoff carrying pesticides and fertilizers, untreated sewage and waste water discharge, industrial pollution, and littering. These pollutants can degrade water quality, harm aquatic life, and disrupt the lake ecosystem.

What do you think would happen if krill were to vanish from the ecosystem?

the ecosystem will be unbalenced because the krill that blue whales used to eat will reproduce again and again and soon there will be too many of them

Related questions

How fertilizers and pesticides cause soil pollution?

Fertilizers contain high levels of nutrients that can leach into the soil and water bodies, leading to nutrient imbalances and harmful algal blooms. Pesticides can persist in the soil, affecting soil organisms and disrupting the ecosystem. Both fertilizers and pesticides can also contaminate groundwater and surface water, leading to soil pollution.

Why is agriculture declining in Greece?

Greece's land has become polluted from the large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture in the past.

Why is organic farming so popular?

People have become aware of their benefits, they contain no chemical, pesticides and fertilizers and are grown naturally with manure or compost and only natural pesticides and insecticides are used.

How chemical fertilizers or pesticides and insecticides affects water?

fertilizers can affect the water and organisms living in it by acceleratimg the grow of unwanted plants like algae. Also, fish can eat these chemicals and become very erratic, and eventuAllly the population will die off

What happens to soil when crops are not rotated from year to year?

When crops are not rotated, soil may become depleted of specific nutrients, leading to decreased fertility. This can result in increased reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, causing imbalances in the soil ecosystem. Continuous cropping of the same type can also increase susceptibility to pests, diseases, and weeds.

Will farming ever become popular again?

When all the farm produce is infected with chemicals / pesticides / fertilizers etc; and we have nothing pure/natural to eat; maybe that day onward it will start becoming.

How can a farmland become desertified?

Farmland can become desertified due to unsustainable agricultural practices such as overgrazing, deforestation, and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. These practices can lead to soil erosion, depletion of nutrients, and loss of vegetation cover, ultimately transforming the farmland into a desert-like environment.

How is soil contaminated?

Soil can become contaminated through various human activities such as improper disposal of chemicals, industrial processes, agriculture practices like using pesticides and fertilizers, mining activities, and accidental spills. These contaminants can include heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, organic compounds, and pathogens, which can affect soil health and potentially harm human health and the environment.

Are pesticides environmentaly friendly?

Yes, modern day pesticides are designed not to become part of the environment in the first place.

Which gas can become fertilizers?

nitrogenThe Haber process converts nitrogen gas into nitrogen fertilizers that help plants grow.

Why is oil peak a problem?

The peak in oil production is a problem because the world's societies and economies have become accustomed to continuing economic growth and rising energy use. When oil production peaks, and goes into permanent decline, there will be less energy available each year, especially for transport. Because almost anything we buy in the shops has to be transported, the cost of everything will rise. Food production is also heavily dependent on oil and gas, through fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery and transport (again).

How did Rachel Carson become famous?

She helped kill pesticides and she was cool.