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Lava coming in contact with buildings or vegetation or lightning from volcanic ash may start fires.

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Q: How might a fire start after a volcanic eruption?
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What Stages that lead up to volcanic eruption?

Fire,Ash,smoke clouds, and earthquakes

Which is a primary disturbance?

A landslide or volcanic eruption is a kind of primary disturbance. It causes a very drastic and sudden change in the landscape.

What are parts of the world where eruption occur called?

Areas where volcanic eruptions occur are often referred to as volcanic zones or volcanic regions. These areas are usually located along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean.

What condition make for a week volcanic eruption?

The answer is : Magma with low viscosity. It makes for a weak volcanic eruption. If the viscosity is low (thin), non-explosive eruptions usually begin with fire fountains due to release of dissolved gases. When magma reaches the surface of the earth, it is called lava.

What is a vulcanian eruption?

A Vulcanian eruption is a type of volcanic eruption characterized by short explosive bursts of gas-charged magma. These eruptions often result in ash columns, pyroclastic flows, and volcanic bombs being ejected from the volcano. Vulcanian eruptions are typically smaller and less violent than Plinian eruptions.

Why is forest fire a type of spontaneous combustion?

Spontaneous combustion is one way a forest fire can be started. Other ways include lightning, volcanic eruption, sparks from rockfalls and human causes.

What ancient city was destroyed by fire in 79?

London +++ I don't think so! It would have been Londinium then anyway. Try Pompeii, overwhelmed by a volcanic eruption (Vesuvius).

Destroyed by fire in 79ad?

The city of Pompeii in Italy was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The eruption buried the city under a thick layer of volcanic ash and pumice, preserving it until its rediscovery in the 18th century.

What ancient city was destroyed by fire in 79 A.D.?

London +++ I don't think so! It would have been Londinium then anyway. Try Pompeii, overwhelmed by a volcanic eruption (Vesuvius).

How is wild fire made during an volcanic explosion?

During the eruption very hot gases are released, lava, hot rock fragments which in contact with dry vegetation causes fires.

How did the Vulcanian volcano get its name?

Vulcanian is not a kind of volcano. It is a kind of volcanic eruption. The term Vulcanian comes from Vulcano, a volcanic island off the cost of Italy prone to this kind of eruption. This island also gives us the word volcano. This island in turn gets its name from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and metalworking who was believed to have is forge within the island of Vulcano.

What conditions make for a week volcanic?

The answer is : Magma with low viscosity. It makes for a weak volcanic eruption. If the viscosity is low (thin), non-explosive eruptions usually begin with fire fountains due to release of dissolved gases. When magma reaches the surface of the earth, it is called lava.