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Q: How many years does it take for coal natural gas and oil to form?
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How many years dose it take for coal to form natrally?

It takes millions of years for coal to form naturally. Coal is formed from plant material that undergoes a process of gradual burial, compaction, and chemical changes through heat and pressure over a long period of time.

How many atoms of hydrogen and carbon are in coal?

Coal can have impurities, but it is essentially a form of carbon, which does not include hydrogen.

Can fossil fuels be made in laboratory?

Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are formed from organic material over millions of years through natural processes. While it is theoretically possible to create fuels with similar properties in a laboratory using synthetic methods, it is not currently practical or cost-effective on a large scale due to the complex nature of fossil fuels' composition and the time it takes for them to form naturally.

How are oil natural gas and coal related?

Oil, natural gas, and coal are all fossil fuels formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. They are all non-renewable resources that are used to generate energy through combustion, but they have different compositions and are extracted and processed in different ways. Additionally, all three contribute to carbon dioxide emissions when burned, which is a major factor in global climate change.

How were petroleum and natural gas formed?

Petroleum and natural gas are formed from the remains of sea plants and animals that were buried underground millions of years ago. Over time, heat and pressure transformed these organic materials into hydrocarbons, which make up petroleum and natural gas.

Related questions

Is coal a a renewable energy souce?

No, coal took many millions of years to form, which makes it definitely non-renewable. That's because when it's all used up, there would be a long wait for more coal to form.

Is coal renewable sources of energy?

No, coal took many millions of years to form, which makes it definitely non-renewable. That's because when it's all used up, there would be a long wait for more coal to form.

Is coal a renewable source of energy?

No, coal took many millions of years to form, which makes it definitely non-renewable. That's because when it's all used up, there would be a long wait for more coal to form.

How many years does it take to make coal?

It typically takes millions of years for coal to form. Coal is created from the remains of plants and trees that were buried under layers of sediment and subjected to heat and pressure over long periods of time.

How many years dose it take for coal to form natrally?

It takes millions of years for coal to form naturally. Coal is formed from plant material that undergoes a process of gradual burial, compaction, and chemical changes through heat and pressure over a long period of time.

How long is a coal power plant last?

Because coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the world, a coal power plant can last for many, many years to come. It is also a cheaper fuel, which makes it more reliable than petroleum or natural gas.

How was Australia different then the continents were coal formed?

Coal formed on Earth when Australia was near the south pole.

How many years until you run out of coal?

54589785 YEARS

Is burnt coal reversible?

Once coal has been burnt, it undergoes a chemical change and cannot be reversed back to its original state. The combustion process alters the composition of coal at a molecular level, making it impossible to revert to its pre-burnt form.

What are Northwest Territories natural resources?

Dimonds, gold,natural gas, oil, coal, and many more

What are natural resources the Northwest Territories?

Dimonds, gold,natural gas, oil, coal, and many more

Why is coal an important?

coal is used to be burned and if left for many years it will turn into a dimond