Edenpure heaters produce 1500 watts. It is an electric heater, which uses quartz heating element to generate heat.
Five amps is 600 watts on 120 v and 1200 watts on 240 v.
The question depends entirely on the size of the heaters and the size of the wire used.Select your breaker size and wire gauge according to the wattage. To determine your amperage, divide your power in watts by your voltage. If the voltage is 100 volts and your wattage is 1000 watts, then the amperage draw = 1000 Watts / 100 volts = 10 ampsIf you intend to control a number of heaters, a relay may also be used. The thermostat turns on the relay, the relay controls the heaters. Thermostats are rated for current and voltage. Make sure you are also using a thermostat big enough for your circuit.
The wattage needed to run an oil heater can vary depending on the size and model of the heater. In general, oil heaters typically range from 600 watts to 1500 watts. It's important to check the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific oil heater being used to determine the exact wattage required.
The amount of electric baseboard heat needed for a house depends on factors like the size of the house, insulation, climate, and personal preferences for room temperatures. A general estimate is that you need 10 watts per square foot, but it's best to consult with an HVAC professional to determine the right amount for your specific needs.
Edenpure heaters produce 1500 watts. It is an electric heater, which uses quartz heating element to generate heat.
Five amps is 600 watts on 120 v and 1200 watts on 240 v.
1300/1500 watts
Ford OEM block heaters are all 600watt (5.3 amp x 115 volt). aftermarket heaters are available up to 1000watt. (1 kilowatt).
The question depends entirely on the size of the heaters and the size of the wire used.Select your breaker size and wire gauge according to the wattage. To determine your amperage, divide your power in watts by your voltage. If the voltage is 100 volts and your wattage is 1000 watts, then the amperage draw = 1000 Watts / 100 volts = 10 ampsIf you intend to control a number of heaters, a relay may also be used. The thermostat turns on the relay, the relay controls the heaters. Thermostats are rated for current and voltage. Make sure you are also using a thermostat big enough for your circuit.
1 horsepower is equal to 747.5 watts. 125 hp therefore = 93.2kW
The wattage needed to run an oil heater can vary depending on the size and model of the heater. In general, oil heaters typically range from 600 watts to 1500 watts. It's important to check the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific oil heater being used to determine the exact wattage required.
A 6-piston car engine can generate anywhere from 300 to 600 horsepower, which is roughly equivalent to 223,700 to 447,400 watts. This power output can vary depending on the engine size, design, and performance upgrades.
The amount of electric baseboard heat needed for a house depends on factors like the size of the house, insulation, climate, and personal preferences for room temperatures. A general estimate is that you need 10 watts per square foot, but it's best to consult with an HVAC professional to determine the right amount for your specific needs.
You can connect up to three 240 volt electric baseboard heaters to a number 10 wire circuit. It is important to follow the local electrical code and manufacturer's guidelines to ensure the safe and proper installation of the heaters. Consulting with a licensed electrician is recommended for any electrical work.
The Sharp Carousel microwave model R-209BK has a power output of 800 watts.
Do you mean how many watts are used to make hot water? It varies, but a typical home electric hot water heater consumes about 4,500 watts. Industrial hot water heaters might use 20,000 watts or more! I have a little warmer that keeps my coffee warm as I type this, it consumes about 300 watts. Of course it only heats 6 ounces of water....