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A whole lotta

Apex- mole. ^^ smartass

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13y ago
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14y ago

1.0 mole of


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3mo ago

A mole of water molecules is about 18 grams (molecular weight of water). A tablespoon holds about 15ml of water, which is around 15 grams. Therefore, a mole of water molecules would be close to filling a tablespoon.

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16y ago

In short, a LOT!

Here's the calculation. First convert a teaspoon of water in milliliters:

(see the linked question for the answer!): 1 US teaspoon = 4.92892161 milliliters

At 4°C, the density of water is exactly 1.00 gram per milliliter, so 1 teaspoon of water weighs 4.92892161 grams.

The molecular weight of water is:

2*(1.00794) + 15.9994 = 18.01528 grams per mole

So in 1 teaspoon, there are this many moles:

4.92892161 grams ÷ 18.01528 grams per mole = 0.273596725 moles

There are 6.0221415 × 1023 molecules in a mole of water, so in 1 teaspoon of water, there are this many molecules:

0.273596725 moles * 6.0221415 × 1023 molecules/moles = 1.64763819 x 1023 molecules

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13y ago

Water having the capacity of suspending solubles is unquestionable (i.e. sulfur, iodine, iron even mercury) but for a one molar solution one needs know either what is in the water already (H2O+ unless it is distilled water you are discussing at least) then it would be incumbent on what the waters actual soluble substances atomic,molecular, or compound weights were relative the solutes amount in relation to Avogadro constant - it appears that all are quantitatively attributing it a measuring question of H2O without regard to it's contents in suspension or their molar weights molarity impure or to be used for a molar solution.

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13y ago

there are 6.02*1023 water molecules in one tablespoon .

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10y ago


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14y ago

1.0 mole of

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12y ago


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Q: A mole of water molecules would just about fill a tablespoon?
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A mole of water molecules would just about fill a .?

A mole of water molecules would just about fill a teaspoon.

How does salt affect density?

When salt is dissolved in water, the mass of the water increases without a significant increase in volume, increasing the density of the solution. This is because the added salt molecules displace some of the water molecules and fill the space in between them, making the solution denser.

When 50 mL of ethanol is mixed with 50 mL of water a solution forms The volume of the final solution is less than 100 mL Propose an explanation for this phenomenon?

When ethanol and water are mixed, they form a solution with a volume less than the sum of the individual volumes due to the molecules of ethanol and water packing closely together in the solution. This phenomenon is known as partial miscibility, where the molecules of ethanol and water interact with each other in a way that reduces the total volume of the solution.

Does molecules in a gas spread out to fill a container?

Which is NOT true? 1. Molecules in a gas are close together compared to their large molecular size. 2. A solid has a set shape and volume. 3. Molecules in a gas spread out to fill their container. 4. Molecules in a liquid have more freedom of movement than those in a solid. 5. Molecules in a solid are close together.

What phase of matter has molecules that will defuse to fill their container?

The gaseous phase has molecules that will diffuse to fill their container. Gas particles are in constant, random motion and will spread out to occupy the available space uniformly.

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A mole of water molecules would just about fill a .?

A mole of water molecules would just about fill a teaspoon.

A of water molecules would just about fill a tablespoon.?


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You would need to fill the teaspoon three times to equal one tablespoon.

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It depends on the size of the cup.

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No, it takes the same number of water molecules to fill up a certain space whether they are in the form of ice or liquid water. In ice, the water molecules are just held in a more structured arrangement compared to the more freely moving molecules in liquid water.

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The red food dye would fill in the spaces in the molecules thus turning it red. When there are no spaces the the dye would collect in the bottom of the container

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That would be 16.6 tablespoons

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How many tbsp in a 120 gram?

The only way to answer this is to know what substance you are measuring. Tablespoon is a measurement of volume (15 ml) and gram is a measurement of weight. 120 grams of water would fill a volume of 120 ml or 8 tablespoons whereas 120 grams of salt (which is about 2.1 times denser than water) would only fill about 3.8 tablespoons.

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Why 1 plus 1 not always 2 in water molecules and alcohol molecules?

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