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The formula to calculate the relationship between amps, volts and watts is

Volts X Amps = Watts


Volts = Watts / Amps


Amps = Watts / Volts


200 Watts divided by 1.95 Amps is 102.5641 Volts.

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Q: How many volts it takes to cause a current of 1.95 amps to exist in a 200 watt lamp?
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How do volts get power?

Volts cause current to flow through the load. The current is measured in amps, and the volts multiplied by the amps gives the power in watts.

How much current would an applied voltage of 10 volts cause through a resistance of 5 ohms?

10 volts applied to 5 ohms would cause a current flow of 2 amperes. Current = voltage divided by resistance.

What is the value of current at zero volts?

Zero volts produces zero current.

Which current used in cars?

12 volts DC current except the current to the spark plugs which can be 12,000 volts up to as much as 45,000 volts.

If the current is 5 what is the volts?

the volts are 230

How can you calculate current when you have volts power?

You can calculate current by dividing the power in watts by the voltage in volts. The formula is: Current (in amperes) = Power (in watts) / Voltage (in volts).

Do a 12 volt 50 watt bulb and a 230 volt 50 watt bulb draw the same current?

No, they do not draw the same current. The current drawn by an electrical device is determined by the power (Watts) and voltage (Volts) using the formula: Current (amps) = Power (Watts) / Voltage (Volts). So, the 12 volt 50 watt bulb will draw higher current compared to the 230 volt 50 watt bulb.

How many volts would kill a person?

It only takes about 50-100 milliamps of current to disrupt the heart's rhythm and potentially cause death, regardless of the voltage. The voltage needed to produce this current varies depending on individual factors like skin resistance and contact points. However, in general, a voltage above 50 volts is considered potentially lethal.

What is a word of a force of an electric current measured in volts?

The force of an electric current is measured in volts.

What is the resistance of a circuit that takes a current of 0.5A when the voltage to the circuit is 40v?

The formula you are looking for is Ohms = Volts/Amps. R = E/I.

How do you use Electric Current in a sentence?

Here are a few examples... - The electrical current is monitored. - The current of electricity is measured in volts. - The electrical current of telephone wiring is 82 volts. They may not be worded the same, but they have the same initial meaning.

Is units of electric current a volt?

No, electric current is measured in amperes (A), not volts. Volts measure electric potential or voltage difference.