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Approximately 200 volcanoes erupted in 2007. Not all these eruptions were huge and some were ongoing eruptions that have been going on for years.

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9y ago
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15y ago

so far (date march 10th) Limminia, Chile Redobout, Alaska kiluea, Hawaii and mauna loa have erupted.

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13y ago

about 120 if you count ones that erupted underwater

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11y ago

I'm gonna guess over a hundred

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12y ago

alot dmmy

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Q: How many volcanoes erupted in the year 2008?
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What volcanoes erupted in the year 2009?

volcanoes all around the world

How many volcanoes have erupted in the last year?

On average, around 50-70 volcanoes erupt each year. However, the number can vary from year to year.

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I do not know who gave you that question, but only the congress will have that on file. You will be really lucky if you can find that answer online.

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Kilauea typically erupts multiple times a year. Some eruptions may be short-lived, while others can be more sustained. The frequency and intensity of eruptions can vary over time.

How many volcanoes erupted so far?

well , that is a good question ! About 1,300 has happened in the last 10,000 year. Most of these are shield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes are found under water or and form easily. three quarters ( 3/4 ) of volcanoes are shield volcanoes. SO if you subtract all of the shield volcanoes from the amount of volcanoes that have happened in the last 10,000 years it will come up to 6,000 eruptions in the last 10,000 years. This is not including under water or shield volcanoes. WELL, that's all . BYE ! (:

How many people does volcanos kill a year?

There are not many people killed by volcanoes in a single year. This is because many volcanoes do not erupt yearly.

How many under water volcanoes erupt a year?

On average, there are about 45-55 undersea volcanic eruptions each year around the world. These eruptions occur primarily along mid-ocean ridges and at submarine volcanoes.

How many times has mount etna exploded?

Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It has erupted hundreds of times in recorded history, with eruptions occurring on average several times per year.

When was the last year Kilauea erupted?

the last year it erupted was 2009

How many volcanoes erupt yearly?

About 60 volcanoes erupt each year.

What year did Mount St. Helens erupt?

Mount St. Helens famously erupted on May 18, 1980. Smaller eruptions ocurred from 1980 to 1986, 1989 to 1991, and a few times from 2004 to 2008.

How many volcanoes erupt a year in the US?

On average, there is about 1 volcanic eruption each year in the United States. The most active volcanic region in the U.S. is Alaska, which accounts for the majority of eruptions.