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Q: How many unpaired electrons are contained in each element (a) chlorine (b) selenium (c) cesium and (d) phosphorus?
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What are 10 minerals that are non-metals?

Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, Fluorine, Chlorine and Bromine

What elements are contained in water?

There are many elements that are contained in seawater. Some examples include magnesium, sulfur, selenium, silicon, fluorine, sodium, and chlorine.

What is the nature of the Se-Cl bond in a molecule of selenium chloride SeCl2 if the electronegativity value of selenium is 2.55 and that of chlorine is 3.16?

The Se-Cl bond in selenium chloride SeCl2 is polar covalent. This is because chlorine has a higher electronegativity than selenium, resulting in an uneven sharing of electrons in the bond. Chlorine, being more electronegative, attracts the shared electrons more towards itself, giving it a partial negative charge and selenium a partial positive charge.

What 2 are more reactive out of silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine germanium arsenic selenium bromine?

Chlorine and fluorine are more reactive compared to the elements listed, because they are both in group 17 of the periodic table and have a higher tendency to gain electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Is selenium dichloride covalent bond?

Yes, selenium dichloride (SeCl2) forms covalent bonds. Selenium, being a nonmetal, typically forms covalent bonds by sharing electrons with other nonmetals like chlorine to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What is the number of valence electrons in selenium?

Selenium has 6 electrons in its outermost shell.

What are some nonmetals?

Chlorine, Bromine, Florine. All non-metals have one thing in common, they all loose electrons to complete their outer shell.

How many electrons selenium?

Selenium has 34 electrons.

Noble gas electron configuration of selenium and phosphorus?

The noble gas electron configuration of selenium is [Ar] 3d^10 4s^2 4p^4 and for phosphorus is [Ne] 3s^2 3p^3. These configurations indicate how the electrons are arranged in the outermost energy levels of the atoms, resembling the stable electron configurations of noble gases.

What compound is formed from selenium and chlorine?

Selenium chloride (SeCl4) is the compound formed from selenium and chlorine. It is a yellowish-red liquid with a pungent odor.

What is the nature of the Se-Cl bond in a molecule of selenium chloride (SeCl2) if the electronegativity value of selenium is 2.55 and that of chlorine is 3.16?

The Se-Cl bond in SeCl2 is polar covalent. Chlorine is more electronegative than selenium, so it attracts the shared electrons in the bond more strongly, leading to an uneven distribution of electron density. This results in a partial negative charge on chlorine and a partial positive charge on selenium.

Which is the most active nonmetal out of argon chlorine potassium or selenium?

Chlorine is the most active nonmetal out of argon, chlorine, potassium, and selenium. It belongs to the halogen group, which is known for its high reactivity. Chlorine readily reacts with other elements to form compounds.