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Q: How many tiny parts makes up a compound eye?
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What types of microoragnism found in air?

All kinds of bacteria, spores, many tiny plants (and plant parts) and tiny animals (and their parts).

What compound makes popcorn explode?

The compound known chemically as "H20" - water. There is a tiny drop of water at the heart of every corn kernel. When heated, it turns to steam, and turns the corn kernel "inside-out" - that's popcorn.

Is fog an element?

no, fog is tiny droplets of water, a compound.

What is Graphites compound name?

tiny rocks used to bluff an object

Who discovered the tiny boxes with a crude compound microscope?

Robert Hooke

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A bee makes a beeline. And honey.

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What does a inside of a stem look like?

It looks like many tiny parts of a normal cell. it has all the normal parts of a cell such as a nucleus, vascule, and cell membrane. it also has cytoplasm.

Why do some trees drop tiny drops of water like rain?

Because it has many tiny drops of rain, and is caused by the weather were it has dryer up in the trees. ^ huh?? that answer makes absolutely no sense to me...

What is a mini in new Super Mario Brothers ds?

The mini mushroom makes you tiny so you can fit into tiny spaces and tiny pipes.

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What do you think makes popocorn pop?

I think the tiny drip of water makes it pop