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Venus is only very slightly smaller than the Earth. The Earth is 10.83×1011 km3 compared to Venus' 9.38×1011 km3.

To find out how times Venus goes into Earth you just divide the volume of the Earth by the volume of Venus. Like this:

10.83×1011/9.38×1011 =~ 1.15 times.

That's between one and one seventh and one and one sixth.

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12y ago
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12y ago

The circumference of Venus is 38,025 km, whereas the circumference of Earth is 40,075 km. The diameter of Venus is 12,104 km while the diameter of Earth is 12,756 km. So, Venus would only fit inside of Earth once.

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8mo ago

Venus is about 0.95 times the size of Earth. So, you could fit Earth almost 1.05 times into Venus.

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15y ago

1.1667115452968990661654621242312 Venus's fit into the Earth. So about 1.15.

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Q: How many times can Venus fit into earth?
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