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Q: How many stars does Kepler 452b have?
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How many light years between Kepler and Earth?

Kepler-452b, the most Earth-like planet discovered by Kepler, is located approximately 1,400 light-years away from Earth.

What is Kepler your new planet?

Kepler-452b is an exoplanet discovered by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope in 2015. It is often referred to as "Earth's cousin" due to its similar size, temperature, and orbit around a sun-like star. Kepler-452b is located about 1,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.

Is Kepler a planet?

No. Kepler is a telescope created to find planets orbiting other stars. Planets found using it are given designations beginning with Kepler, such as Kepler 440b.

What is the diameter of the planet kepler?

There are lots of planets in the Kepler series. To answer your question, we need to know to which number Kepler you are asking about.

What is the name of the planet that looks like Earth but 100 like years from earth?

The planet you are referring to is likely Kepler-452b, which is located about 1,400 light-years away from Earth. It was discovered by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope and is considered a "cousin" to Earth due to its potential habitability.

Who discovered Kepler 22b?

Kepler 22b was not discovered by an individual, but by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope in December 2011. The telescope detected the planet as part of the Kepler mission's search for exoplanets within the habitable zone of their stars.

How much water does Kepler the planet have?

There is no single planet named Kepler; rather Kepler is a prefix added to the designations of planets discovered by the Kepler telescope. Several planets discovered by Kepler, including Kepler-438b, Kepler-442b, Kepler 440b, and Kepler 296f, orbit in the habitable zones of their stars, which means they might have liquid water on their surfaces. Currently we do not have the technology to determine if they actually have liquid water.

How much water does the planets have?

There is no single planet named Kepler; rather Kepler is a prefix added to the designations of planets discovered by the Kepler telescope. Several planets discovered by Kepler, including Kepler-438b, Kepler-442b, Kepler 440b, and Kepler 296f, orbit in the habitable zones of their stars, which means they might have liquid water on their surfaces. Currently we do not have the technology to determine if they actually have liquid water.

Is there a planet called Kepler?

No. There are, however, many planets discovered by a spacecraft called Kepler and given designations such as Kepler-69c.

How far is planet Kepler from planet earth?

The distance between Earth and Kepler-442b (an exoplanet in the Kepler-442 star system) is approximately 1,120 light-years. It is important to note that the distance can vary as planets orbit stars and stars move within the galaxy.

Who used a mural quadrant to measure the position of planets and stars?

Johannes Kepler did. Obviously Tycho Brahe did, and Kepler was his assistant. There have been others too. I think Ptolemy used one.

What is example of difference between the Hubble and the Kepler Telescope?

Kepler is more specialized than Hubble. It was purpose-built for a very wide field of view but has smaller optics than Hubble. Kepler is kept focused on a single section of space for years watching for variations in luminosity from stars to indicate the existence of planets orbiting other stars. Basically put, Hubble is meant for general purpose astronomy, while Kepler is specifically used to find planets.