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Oxygen consists of three stable isotopes: 16O, 17O, and 18O

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Q: How many stable isotopes does oxygen have-?
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Now many isotopes in oxygen-16?

Oxygen-16 IS an isotope of oxygen. If you meant to ask the number of isotopes of oxygen, the answer is 3. They are Oxygen-16, -17 and -18. Oxygen-16 is the most abundant of the isotopes.

How many stable isotopes does the element copper have?

copper has 2 stable isotopes

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It has 10

All isotopes radioactive?

No, there are many stable isotopes.

How many stable isotopes does dubnium have?

Dubnium is an artificial chemical element and hasn't stable isotopes.

Are most isotopes stable?

No, most isotopes are not stable. Many isotopes are radioactive and decay over time, releasing radiation in the process. Only a few isotopes are stable and do not undergo radioactive decay.

How many isotopes does the carbon group have?

it has 3 stable isotopes

Is O radioactive?

If you mean oxygen: like most elements, it has both stable isotopes, and unstable (i.e., radioactive) isotopes. 16O, 17O and 18O are stable; the unstable (radioactive) isotopes include 15O and 14O.

Is oxygen stable or radioactive?

Oxygen, under normal conditions, is non-radioactive. But there are traces of radioactive isotopes present which makes the oxygen slightly radioactive. Additionally, these isotopes have long half-lives, so the radiation given off will not be a lot within a period of time.

How many stable isotopes are there in niobium?

There is one stable isotope in Niobium, Nb93 there are 28 known isotopes in all.

Is oxygen 17 and oxygen 18 the same isotopes of oxygen?

No, oxygen-17 and oxygen-18 are different isotopes of oxygen. They differ in the number of neutrons each atom contains. Oxygen-17 has 8 protons and 9 neutrons while oxygen-18 has 8 protons and 10 neutrons.

How many stable isotopes do fluorine have?
