Nairobi, Kenya is approximately 273 square miles in size.
The distance between Nairobi, Kenya, and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is approximately 190 miles.
The distance between Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and Nairobi, Kenya, is approximately 3,300 miles.
The distance from Cape Town to Nairobi on the map would be 2,800 miles (3.5 inches x 800 miles/inch).
The distance between Nairobi and Karatina in Kenya is approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles) when traveled by road.
Nairobi, Kenya is approximately 273 square miles in size.
Between Nairobi, Kenya, and Sofia, Bulgaria, there are 3,152 miles.
The distance between Nairobi and Johannesburg is about 2,402 road miles.
The distance between Nairobi, Kenya, and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is approximately 190 miles.
AnswerThere are 2547.51 miles between Cape Town and Nairobi.
about 4000 miles
It is 2,800 miles from Cape Town, South Africa to Nairobi, Kenya. I think
distance between Nairobi and Pheoinx arizona
3240 miles
About 296 miles in a south easterly direction