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how many ribs does a blue whale have

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8mo ago

Pilot whales typically have 13-16 pairs of ribs, for a total of 26-32 individual ribs.

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There is no pilot whale on Endless Ocean. Hope this Helps!

Where does a pilot whale live?

a pilot whale lives in the ocean, just like all whales do.

What is the special features of a pilot whale?

You mean what ARE the special features of a pilot whale. You may also mean, "what are the special features of the pilot whale?" or "...of pilot whales?" Assuming you aren't asking for the special features of a specific whale. The special features of pilot whales include the ability to pilot, a special pilot's cap, and the ability to communicate via ESP. Or something similar.

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What is the diet of pilot whale?

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Are pilot whales endangered?

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Where does the pilot whale live?

/ near an airport