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This is the ferrous ion. It contains 26 protons and 24 electrons.

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8mo ago

In a neutral iron (Fe) atom, the number of protons is 26, which is the atomic number of iron. The number of neutrons can vary, but the most common isotope of iron, Fe-56, has 30 neutrons. Since the atom is neutral, it will have an equal number of electrons as the number of protons, so it also has 26 electrons.

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How many protons neutrons and electrons in Fe3?

The Fe(3+) cation has 26 protons, 30 neutrons (for the isotope Fe-56) and 23 electrons.

What atom had 26 protons 26 electrons and 30 neutrons?

The atom is Iron (Fe), with 26 protons and electrons and 30 neutrons.

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Fe 2+ (Iron) has... 26 protons 24 electrons 30 neutrons

What dose Fe has 26 protons how many neutrons or electrons dose it have?

Iron has 26 electrons; the number of neutrons is different for each isotope (number of neutrons = mass number - 26).

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An iron atom has 26 protons, 26 electrons, and typically 30 neutrons.

How many protons neutrons and electrons does Fe-56 have?

It doesn't matter if it's 56Fe or 49Fe; the number of protons in an atom of iron will remain constant. Why? Because if there was one more electron, it wouldn't be Fe anymore: it'd be cobalt (Co). The number of protons determines the element, the only thing that can change regarding the nuclear makeup of an atom without changing the element is the number of electrons. The 56 stands for the atomic weight of that particular isotope of iron. If each neutron and each proton weigh 1 amu each, then the atomic weight minus the number of protons will give you the number of neutrons.

Find the element which has the following number of particles a 26 electrons 29 neutrons 26 protons?

The element with 26 electrons, 29 neutrons, and 26 protons is iron (Fe), with an atomic number of 26.

How many neutrons would be present in the nucleus of an atom of iron-56?

I am understanding you to mean an iron-57 ion with a charge of 3+.The atomic number of Fe is 26, which means that all Fe atoms or ions have 26 protons in their nuclei.In a neutral Fe atom, the number of electrons would be the same as the number of protons, which is 26. The charge on the Fe ion is 3+, which means the Fe atom has given up 3 electrons. So the number of electrons in an Fe3+ ion is 26-3, which is 23.The mass number of iron-57 = 57. The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in the atomic nuclei of iron-57 atoms. We know the number of protons is 26. The number of neutrons = mass number - the number of protons, which is 57-26 = 31 neutrons.To summarize:The number of protons in all Fe atoms is 26.The number of electrons in an any Fe3+ ion is 23.The number of neutrons in an iron-57 atom is 31.

What element has 26 electrons and 31 neutrons?

The element with 26 electrons and 31 neutrons is iron (Fe), which has an atomic number of 26, corresponding to the number of electrons, and an atomic mass of approximately 57, which includes both protons and neutrons.

What particle has 26 electrons 29 neutrons and 26 protrons?

The particle you are describing is an atom of iron. The number of protons in an atom determines its atomic number, which is 26 for iron. The sum of protons and neutrons gives the atomic mass number, which is 56 for this iron atom.

What element has 26 electrons 29 neutrons and 26 protons?

The element that has 26 electrons 29 neuetrons and 26 protons is Iron (Fe) The number of protons= electrons/atomic number

What monotomic ion has 26 protons 30 neutrons and 24 electrons?

The given number of protons and electrons indicates that the ion is iron (Fe). Since the ion is neutral, the number of protons determines the element, making it iron. The number of neutrons does not affect the identity of the element since it can vary while still belonging to the same element.