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Q: How many protons electron sand neutrons?
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what is the smallest thing that is like a tiny Saturn?

The answer to the enduring question of the smallest thing in the universe has evolved along with humanity. People once thought grains of sand were the building blocks of what we see around us. Then the atom was discovered, and it was thought indivisible until it was split to reveal protons, neutrons, and electrons inside. These too, seemed like fundamental particles, before scientists discovered that protons and neutrons are made of three quarks each.

All elements are made of?

All of the natural ones (88 of them) too many to name!

How many quarks in a grain of sand?

There are an estimated 10^20 atoms in a grain of sand, and each atom contains protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are composed of quarks, so there are billions of quarks in a grain of sand.

Are an atom and an element the same thing?

No, an atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains its chemical properties. An element is a pure substance made up of a specific type of atom. Elements are represented by their unique atomic number on the periodic table.

How many cuting edges does sand have?

sand has many cutting edge

How many grains of sand in a sand pail?


Why sand is not attracted towards magnet?

Sand is composed of minerals like quartz and silica which are not magnetic materials. Magnetic materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt are attracted to magnets due to their electron configuration that allows them to interact with magnetic fields. Since sand does not have this property, it is not attracted to magnets.

How many grams of sand in one half of the can of the sand?

Depends on the size of the can and the density of the sand.

72 square feet of sand is how many lbs of sand?

That depends on how deep the sand is.

How many syllables does the word sand have?

Sand has one syllable.

How many pages does Mushroom in the Sand have?

Mushroom in the Sand has 348 pages.

How many pages does Sand Monkeys have?

Sand Monkeys has 120 pages.