A fruit volume is measured in bushels. 1 bushel(US) = 2150.42 cubic inches, or 64 pints. An imperial bushel is defined as 8 imperial gallons (liquid or dry measure), or 64 pints imperial. 1 pint imperial is the volume of 1.25 pounds of water, an imperial gallon being the volume of 10 pounds of water. (slightly more than a US bushel) So by these figures you can guess that 1 pint of fruit, depending on the size of the fruit will be somewhat near 1 pound in weight, due to different density and different air spaces in the volume of the fruit. So 10 pints of peaches will be somewhere near 10 pounds weight but an exact number can't be given without weighing it.
Approximately 1 cup of dried lentils will yield about 2 to 2.5 cups of cooked lentils, depending on the variety of lentils and how long they are cooked. Lentils almost double in volume when cooked.
To convert 3 3/4 t to pounds, you first need to convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. This would be 15/4 t. To convert this to pounds, you need to know the conversion rate from tons to pounds, which is 1 ton = 2000 pounds. Therefore, 3 3/4 t is equal to 7500 pounds.
Sun dried clay bricks are also known as adobe bricks. They are made by molding clay-rich soil into bricks, which are then dried in the sun before being used in construction. Adobe bricks have been traditionally used in many regions around the world for building homes and other structures.
There are 4.25 pounds in 4.25 pounds.
500 grams mixed fruit to cup measurement
One kilogram of dried fruit is equivalent to approximately 4.2 cups. This conversion is based on the fact that one cup of dried fruit weighs around 240 grams. Therefore, dividing 1000 grams by 240 grams per cup gives you roughly 4.2 cups in a kilogram of dried fruit.
Depends on the fruit
Approximately 2.5 to 3 pounds of fresh cherries are needed to make one pound of dried cherries, as the drying process shrinks the fruit and concentrates its flavors and sugars.
You dry fruit of many types and add them to a basket with wrapping and various clear paper.
2,400 pounds according to the US Department of Agriculture.
approximatly 250
It depends on the type of fruit, but on average, 15 pounds of fruit is roughly equivalent to 2 gallons.
That depends on what kind of fruit is in the pack. The calorie content of some fruit is much higher than others. In addition, some dried fruits contain added sugar.For a calories in fruit comparision chart, which you can print out if you wish to, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
16 ounces by weight of the fruit commonly referred to as blueberries.
Dried fruit, and Dried veggies. Corn [IN PUDDING!] pumpkin and jam and jelly. A little milk, and bread. Grownups drank beer, and many more.