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Classical pairs ate tellurium-iodine, thorium-protactinium, uranium-neptunium; and also some transuranium elements.

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Q: How many places on the periodic table are the elements not in order by increasing atomic mass?
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How is the order different to the first attempt in the periodic table?

The order of elements in the periodic table is based on their atomic number. The first attempt, by Dmitri Mendeleev, was based on arranging elements by increasing atomic mass. This created inconsistencies in the arrangement that were later corrected when the modern periodic table was developed.

What ways was Mendeleev's periodic table inaccurate compared to the modern periodic table?

Mendeleev's periodic table had gaps where he predicted the existence of undiscovered elements and did not account for isotopes or the concept of atomic number. The modern periodic table is arranged by atomic number instead of atomic mass and includes the concept of electron configuration, which Mendeleev's table did not consider.

How does the Bohr model of the atom relate to the Periodic Table?

The Bohr model of the atom helped explain the arrangement of electrons in energy levels around the nucleus. This understanding of electron energy levels directly influenced the organization of elements in the Periodic Table based on their electron configurations and increasing atomic number. The Periodic Table reflects the periodicity of element properties and the electron configuration patterns predicted by the Bohr model.

Atomic Mass and Atomic Number of neon?

The atomic number of neon is 10, which means it has 10 protons in its nucleus. The atomic mass of neon is approximately 20.1797, which is the weighted average of all the isotopes of neon found in nature.

What is the atomic mass for lithium 3?

Lithium is a meta element. Atomic mass of it is 7.

Related questions

What physical property did Mendeleev use to places the element in rows on the periodic table?

Mendeleev used the increasing atomic mass of elements to arrange them in rows on the periodic table. This allowed for elements with similar properties to be grouped together and for the gaps to be left for undiscovered elements.

What is the difference in the modern periodic table and Mendeleev's table?

Mendeleev's periodic table was organized based on atomic mass, while the modern periodic table is organized based on atomic number. The modern periodic table also includes elements that were not known during Mendeleev's time and has been expanded to include more elements.

How is the order different to the first attempt in the periodic table?

The order of elements in the periodic table is based on their atomic number. The first attempt, by Dmitri Mendeleev, was based on arranging elements by increasing atomic mass. This created inconsistencies in the arrangement that were later corrected when the modern periodic table was developed.

By what two characteristics are all the elements of the periodic table placed in a particular row and column?

Elements in the periodic table are arranged by increasing atomic number and similar chemical properties, which places elements in the same row (period) and column (group) based on their electron configurations and valence electrons.

Why is sodium the eleventh element?

Sodium is the eleventh element because it has 11 protons in its nucleus. In the periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, which is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. Sodium's atomic number of 11 places it in the eleventh position in the periodic table.

How is the modern periodic table different from Dmitri mendeleev's table?

The modern periodic table is arranged based on atomic number, whereas Mendeleev's table was based on atomic mass. Additionally, the modern periodic table has more elements and is more organized with elements grouped by similar properties in columns. Mendeleev's table had gaps for undiscovered elements, which were later filled as new elements were discovered.

Why is argon 18th in the periodic table?

Argon is 18th in the periodic table because it has 18 electrons. This places it in the 18th column (group 18) of the periodic table, known as the noble gases. Argon has a full outer electron shell, making it stable and unreactive.

What ways was Mendeleev's periodic table inaccurate compared to the modern periodic table?

Mendeleev's periodic table had gaps where he predicted the existence of undiscovered elements and did not account for isotopes or the concept of atomic number. The modern periodic table is arranged by atomic number instead of atomic mass and includes the concept of electron configuration, which Mendeleev's table did not consider.

Why are elements placed in specific places on the periodic table?

Elements are placed in specific places on the periodic table based on their atomic structure and properties. They are organized by increasing atomic number, which reflects the number of protons in the nucleus. Elements in the same column have similar properties due to having the same number of valence electrons.

Where are new elements placed on the periodic table?

New elements are placed on the periodic table based on their atomic number, which represents the number of protons in the nucleus of the element. Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the periodic table, with new elements fitting into the appropriate location according to their atomic number.

What are some places where you can buy elements of the periodic table online?

Crate and Barrel

Where are the lanthanides and actinides places in the periodic table?

they are not placed from elements 57-70.