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I don't think its naturally happening, I think we gave up on our planet and it is now giving up on us.

A:Warming and cooling of the planet happens in cycles. We are now moving toward a warming period. Human activity has accelerated the cycle but has not caused the natural progression of Global warming/ Global cooling.
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A minority of people argue that recent changes in climate are solely due to natural variability, attributing factors like solar cycles and volcanic activity rather than human activities like burning fossil fuels. However, the overwhelming scientific consensus is that human activities, specifically the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, are the primary drivers of the current climate crisis.

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Q: How many people think Recent changes in climate are simply part of natural variability?
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What are the recent changes in the plant kingdom based on?

Recent changes in the plant kingdom are often based on advancements in taxonomy, molecular biology, and evolutionary studies. These changes can include revisions to plant classification, the discovery of new plant species, and updates to our understanding of plant evolutionary relationships. Additionally, changes may also be influenced by environmental factors such as climate change and habitat loss.

Have there been any recent changes in vancouvers ecosystems?

Yes, Vancouver's ecosystems have been experiencing changes due to factors like climate change, urban development, and invasive species. These changes can impact biodiversity, habitats, and ecosystem functions. Conservation efforts and sustainable practices are being implemented to protect and preserve Vancouver's ecosystems.

Where is the jet stream at the moment?

The location of the jet stream changes constantly due to its high variability. It generally flows from west to east in a wavy pattern high up in the atmosphere, around 7 to 12 kilometers above the Earth's surface. You can check real-time weather sources or meteorological websites for the most recent data on its position.

Is nature responsible for climate change?

No, climate scientists assure us that global warming is the recent rapid warming of the earth, caused by the human activities of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity. This burning releases carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, which is building up in the atmosphere. Global warming is the cause of the climate change.

What activity is a major cause of recent climate change?

The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, is a major cause of recent climate change. This activity releases greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing global temperatures to rise.

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How has climate varied overtime?

Climate has varied over time due to natural processes such as volcanic activity, changes in Earth's orbit, and solar radiation. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, have also contributed to recent climate variations, leading to global warming and changes in weather patterns. Studying past climate variations helps scientists understand current trends and predict future changes.

What is the average predictability of a monsoon?

It used to be very predictable but recent climate changes have made it more difficult.

Is there a connection between recent droughts and climate change?

Yes, there is a connection between recent droughts and climate change. Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of droughts by altering precipitation patterns, increasing temperatures, and causing changes in weather systems. These factors contribute to the prolonged dry conditions that characterize droughts.

What is causing changes in the climate of the Earth?

Changes in the Earth's climate are primarily driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to global warming and resulting in changes to weather patterns, sea levels, and ecosystems. Natural factors like volcanic eruptions and solar radiation also contribute to climate fluctuations, but human activities are the dominant factor in recent climate change.

Where was the recent climate summit held?


What reasons are there for the recent changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?

Well, there are Changes caused by People and by other causes; mostly by People burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), and by Deforestation.

What are the recent changes in the plant kingdom based on?

Recent changes in the plant kingdom are often based on advancements in taxonomy, molecular biology, and evolutionary studies. These changes can include revisions to plant classification, the discovery of new plant species, and updates to our understanding of plant evolutionary relationships. Additionally, changes may also be influenced by environmental factors such as climate change and habitat loss.

Is the average temperature on earth always the same?

No, the average temperature on Earth can vary due to factors like changes in the climate, changes in the seasons, and natural events like El Niño. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have also led to an increase in the average global temperature in recent years.

How has the Earth's climate changed over time?

The Earth's climate has undergone natural fluctuations over millions of years, but in recent decades, human activities such as burning fossil fuels have led to significant changes. The current rate of climate change is unprecedented, with rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and more extreme weather events serving as key indicators of this ongoing shift.

Is sunset time changing in recent years?

Sunset time can vary slightly from year to year due to factors such as the Earth's tilt and its orbit around the sun. However, any significant changes in sunset time over recent years would likely be due to natural variations and not a consistent trend.

What is Australia's recent natural disaster?

As of October 2009, Australia's most recent natural disaster is the massive bushfires in the Rockhampton region.

Is drought caused by humans or is it geologic in nature?

Drought can be caused by a combination of natural climate variability and human activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, and water mismanagement. Climate change is exacerbating droughts in many regions by altering precipitation patterns and increasing temperatures. While some droughts have a geologic component, the impact of human actions on the climate makes human influence a significant factor in many modern droughts.