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The larynx is the part of the body that is found in the front of the throat, or neck. There are three parts to a larynx. This organ is also called the voice box.

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a few are the lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, sinus, diaphragm, and larynx

How many larynx are in the body?

There is only one larynx in the body which is in the respiratory system in the throat.

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a few are the lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, sinus, diaphragm, and larynx

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The upper respiratory tract consists of all the parts above the larynx. This would include the throat, nasal cavity, sinus cavities, and the nose.

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Which body parts are in the Respiratory System?

i think by body parts you mean organs, the nose, mouth, trachea, larynx(voice box i think), lungs

Is the larynx part of the larynx?

The larynx is part of the throat and part of the respiratory system.

Another name for the voice box is?

Another name for the voice box is the larynx.

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Why is my voice squeaky?

Voice is created by air being pushed from the lungs through your larynx, aka voicebox, and then resonance is altered by other parts of your head that move and or vibrate (mouth, nose, neck). The pitch of your voice is controlled mostly by the larynx. When the larynx is smaller, it makes a higher pitch; while a larger larynx makes a lower one. This is why children have higher voices than adults.During puberty, when the larynx is making its most rapid growth spurt, the larynx can spasm and cause unintended pitch changes.