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Brittle stars typically have separate sexes and reproduce sexually, so each individual can have both a mother and a father. This means they can have two parents.

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What is the scientific name of a brittle star?

The scientific name of a brittle star is Ophiuroidea.

Is a brittle star a myriapod?

A Brittle star is not a myriapod. A Brittle star is an echinoderm. An example of a myriapod would be a centipede.

What family is the brittle star?

The Brittle star is in the Family Ophiodermatidae.

What is the common name of brittle star?

Um...brittle star?

Is a brittle star a vertebrate?

a brittle star is an invertabrate

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What is a brittle star's symbiotic relationship?

Brittle stars have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. The bacteria live on the brittle star's skin and help digest food for the brittle star. In return, the brittle star provides the bacteria with protection and a suitable environment to thrive.

What phylum is the brittle star in?

The brittle star belongs to the phylum Echinodermata.

What are some related species to the Red Serpent Seastar?

It is related to Harlequin serpent star, fancy yellow brittle star fish, green brittle star fish, red brittle star fish and many others. Pretty much most of the sea stars with serpent legs are related to it.