

How many outer planets?

Updated: 6/1/2024
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12y ago

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There are four outer, or gas planets in our solar system; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

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There are four outer planets in our solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets are also known as the gas giants because they are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.

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How many outer planets are there?

there are 4 outer planets, those planets are Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus,and Neptune

How many outer are there?

there are 4 outer planets, those planets are Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus,and Neptune

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its not different at all they are just outer planets

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Each of the four outer gas planets has a ring system. These four outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

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The outer planets are larger.

What are the outer planets and how are they similar?

The outer planets are the planets that are made of gas. Each of the outer planets are mad of gas and can not hold life.

What are 3 special characteristics of the three outer planets?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and has a system of rings surrounding it. Saturn is known for its prominent and extensive ring system made of ice and rock particles. Uranus rotates on its side, causing it to have extreme seasons and unique magnetic field properties.

Inner an outer planet similarities?

Inner and outer planets in our solar system can be similar in terms of composition, as they are all made of rock and metal. However, outer planets are much larger and mainly composed of gas and ice, while inner planets are smaller and have solid surfaces. Both types of planets orbit around the Sun.

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What do the outer planets have that the inner planets do not have?

outer planets are gas giants whille inner planets are just rocky planets. that includes that outer planets have significant amount of mass than the inner planets

How many planets have inner and outer cores?

All terrestrial planets, such as Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, have inner and outer cores. These cores are composed of mostly iron and nickel, with the inner core being solid and the outer core in a liquid state. Gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn also have cores, but they lack a distinct separation into inner and outer regions like terrestrial planets.