In a regular year, February has 20 weekdays. In a leap year, February has 20 weekdays.
No, 3000 is not a leap year. Leap years are divisible by 4, but if a year is divisible by 100, it is not a leap year unless it is also divisible by 400.
Jupiter does not have leap years like Earth does, as it takes around 12 Earth years to orbit the Sun once. Instead, a year on Jupiter is equivalent to approximately 11.8 Earth years.
No, 1943 is not a leap year. Leap years occur every four years, but the year 1943 is not evenly divisible by 4.
4, April, June, September and November. === === 11 months, every one except February. Thanks for deleting my original answer, person above me.
It's still 6 months because leap years don't change how many months there are!
12! :) Leap Year means that there is an extra day in February, once every four years there is a leap year. the number of months doesn't change.
12 months in a regular year,13 months in a Leap year
183 on a leap year. I'll get back to you for not a leap year...
all 12 months have 28 days wheather a leap year or no leap year. hope this helps, Elliexx
One leap year of the Gregorian calendar has 12 months. One leap year of most lunisolar calendars, including the Hebrew calendar, has 13 months. A leap year is 12 months just like a common year. A leap year is longer than the solar year and a common year is shorter than the solar year by just one day.
1416 in a non-leap year and 1440 in a leap year.
12 (or 13 in a leap year).
There are eleven months in a leap year if you don\'t include April. The difference between a non-leap year and a leap year is that the former consists of 365 days while the latter consists of 366 days.
2016 is a leap year, so there are no months of 28 days. In non-leap years, February has 28 days.