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The answer is 8 moles CO2.

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Q: How many moles of carbon dioxide are formed in the complete combustion of one mole of octane C8H18?
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Related questions

What is formed by the complete combustion of carbon?

carbon dioxide

Is carbon dioxide a result of combustion?

Carbon dioxide is formed by the complete combustion of carbon itself or organic compounds.

What pollutant of the air is formed if the combustion of butane is not complete?

comlete combustion gives carbon dioxide and water- incomletet can give carbon monoxide.

How is carbon dioxide formed when petrol burns?

petrol consists of carbon and hydrogen, when it burns it produces carbon dioxide and water if complete combustion occurs

What 2 substances are formed when gasoline burns with oxygen during combustion?

When gasoline burns with oxygen during combustion, carbon dioxide and water vapor are formed as the main byproducts of the reaction.

What is the downside of the products formed by complete combustion reactions on which we rely for energy and transportation?

The products of combustion are water and carbon dioxide.

In combustion is carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide formed always formed?

No, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are not always formed in combustion. The formation of these gases depends on several factors such as fuel composition, temperature, and availability of oxygen. Incomplete combustion can lead to the formation of carbon monoxide, while complete combustion typically results in carbon dioxide formation.

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What is the reactant of a complete combustion?

The reactants of a complete combustion reaction are usually a hydrocarbon fuel (like methane, propane, or gasoline) and oxygen from the air. The products formed are carbon dioxide and water vapor.

When cng or lpg undergoes complete combustion what products are formed?

When CNG or LPG undergo complete combustion, the products formed are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). This process releases energy in the form of heat and light.

How does fire produce carbon monoxide?

When combustion is incomplete due to limited oxygen supply, carbon monoxide (CO) is produced instead of carbon dioxide (CO2). In a fire, if the conditions are not optimal for complete combustion, carbon monoxide is formed as a byproduct.

What two substance are formed when methane is burned in plenty of oxygen?

When methane is burned in plenty of oxygen, it forms carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) as the main products of the combustion reaction.