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First, it helps to know the chemical formula of glucose: C6H12O6

The subscripts indicate how many atoms of each element are in the compound. So the numbers would simply be six carbons, twelve hydrogen, and six oxygen.

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14y ago
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2mo ago

Cellulose is a long-chain polymer of glucose molecules. Each glucose molecule contains 6 carbon atoms. Therefore, the number of carbon atoms in cellulose depends on the number of glucose molecules present in the polymer chain.

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10y ago

None, because 'photosynthesis' is not a molecular compound. It's a biochemical pathsway of many consecutive reactions resulting in the forming of sugar C6H12O6.

(b.t.w. this is 6 C atoms, not molecules, and 12 H atoms and 6 O atoms in 1 (one) molecule of hexose sugar)

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15y ago

If 0.2% of CO2 is provided to a leaf, it performs photosynthesis well. If this concentration is futher increased, then the rate of photosynthesis increases but stabilizes at 0.5% and remains constant. Further increase in CO2 will not increase the rate of photosynthesis.

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11y ago

There are 6 carbon, 18 oxygen, 12 hydrogen before photosynthesis. there are 6 carbon, 12 hydrogen, 18 oxygen after photosynthesis. they equal each other out. :)

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12y ago

Approxiamtely 20 pounds for every 5 pounds of algae.

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12y ago

There are 6 carbon atoms. Three common sugars share the same molecular formula. C6 H12 O6. Because of their six carbon atoms each is a hexose

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11y ago

Carbon atoms are fixed in the process of Calvin cycle to produce carbohydrates.

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7y ago

Six atoms of carbon from 6 CO2.

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11y ago


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