Molecular Biology of the Cell - textbook - has 1392 pages.
25.4 mm in an inch
230 mm
9 cm and 3 mm is equal to 93 mm.
10 mm = 1cm 1 in = 2.54 cm 1 in = 25.4 mm
The volume of the textbook can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and thickness. So, the volume would be 250 mm x 224 mm x 50 mm, which equals 2,800,000 cubic millimeters.
The average rating of the textbook used in this course is 4.5 out of 5.
.3*30= 9 mm = .9 cm
ON average about 6
A desert is defined as am area that receives less than 250 mm of annual precipitation on average.
The average stack of 5 pennies is 7 mm tall.
The average growth rate is 0.13 mm a year
In alveolar air its 569.0 mm Hg. In expired air its 566.0 mm Hg. This is per Guyton & Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology (1996)
16-20 mm on average, plus 8-10 mm for the 'tail'
Words that can be made from the letters in 'textbook' are:bebetBooBookbootboxoboeTexttotoetooTooktoottottote
The average size is up to 50 mm, but some have reached up to 150 mm when fully extended.
There are actually many objects that weigh a kilogram. One such object is a dictionary. You can also try a pineapple, a bag of rice, a Baseball bat, and an average size textbook.