One pint is equal to 473 ml. Half a pint would therefore be equal to 236.5 ml.
There are 568.26 ml in 1 pint UK (imperial pint).
A US pint is 473 ml. An Imperial pint is 568 ml.
There are 284 ml in a pint, so half a pint would be 142 ml.
No, 250 ml is the typical equivalent. In Canada our small milk cartons are 250 and 500 ml not half pint and pint. This doesn't mean a half pint is exactly 250 ml however. Glass measuring cups usually have both ounces and millilitres - at least here.
One pint is equal to 473 ml. Half a pint would therefore be equal to 236.5 ml.
There are 568.26 ml in 1 pint UK (imperial pint).
709.76 ml 1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml
A US pint is 473 ml. An Imperial pint is 568 ml.
236.58 ml 1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml
1 (US) pt ≈ 473 milliliters → ½ pt ≈ 236.5 ml → 300 ml is more than half a pint 1 (imp) pt ≈ 568 millilitres → ½ pt ≈ 284 ml → 300 ml is more than half a pint
There are 284 ml in a pint, so half a pint would be 142 ml.
No, 250 ml is the typical equivalent. In Canada our small milk cartons are 250 and 500 ml not half pint and pint. This doesn't mean a half pint is exactly 250 ml however. Glass measuring cups usually have both ounces and millilitres - at least here.
One UK pint is about 568.26 mL.
There are 236.6 milliliters in half a pint of cream.
236.58 ml 1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml
236.58 ml 1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml