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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

On average, humans can survive around 3 to 5 minutes without oxygen before experiencing severe brain damage or death. The exact time can vary based on individual health, fitness, and other factors.

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Q: How many minutes can cam humans survive without oxygen?
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Can turltes survie without oxygen?

no, every living animal need oxygen, either from air or water.turtles can survive for only a few minutes, like humans, without oxygen.

How long could humans live without oxygen?

Humans can typically survive without oxygen for about 3-4 minutes before experiencing brain damage. Without access to oxygen, vital organs like the brain and heart stop functioning, leading to eventual death. Prompt medical attention is crucial to restore oxygen supply and prevent long-term damage.

Why cant humans survive more than a few minutes without oxygen?

Oxygen is essential for producing energy in cells through a process called cellular respiration. Without oxygen, the body cannot generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the molecule that stores and provides energy for cellular processes. Without this energy source, vital functions in the body quickly fail, leading to organ damage and ultimately death in a matter of minutes.

Can you build and reproduce without oxygen?

No, You couldn't survive more than a few minutes without oxygen. Other organisms can, like yeast, which can do anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen).

What is an organism that can survive with or without oxygen?

An example of an organism that can survive with or without oxygen is a facultative anaerobe like the bacterium E. coli. Facultative anaerobes can switch between aerobic respiration in the presence of oxygen and fermentation in the absence of oxygen to generate energy. This flexibility allows them to adapt to varying environmental conditions.

What element does man need to survive?

Man needs oxygen to survive. Oxygen is essential for cellular respiration, which produces energy for the body's processes. Without a constant supply of oxygen, humans cannot survive.

Why is it that humans can't survive in deep water without oxygen tank?

because oxygen is needed for cellular respiration and deep waterdoesnot contain oxygen

Why oxygen important to society?

Oxygen is important to the society because without it, we could not live. we need Oxygen for us humans to live, for the animals and environment. that is the most important point as to why we need Oxygen. we also use Oxygen for hospitals, burning things like paper, and more. Oxygen is something we have to live with as it is what we survive on.

Death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen?

Brain cells can only survive for 3 minutes without a supply of oxygen.

What are facts about air for humans to survive?

Air has oxygen in it, without which we will not be able to survive. There is also some carbon dioxide in the air which is taken by the plants and give off oxygen in return. Oxygen is very important for life.

How man can survive in water without oxygen?

They can't survive without oxygen but they can survive with an oxygen mask that scuba divers use and with supply of oxygen of course .

Is oxygen the most important gas in the air for humans?

Yes, oxygen is the most important gas in the air for humans as it is essential for cellular respiration, which provides cells with the energy they need to function. Without oxygen, humans would not be able to survive.