There are approximately 453.592 milligrams in one pound.
120lbs equates to about 54,431,085 milligrams.
There are 453.592 grams in a pound.
Pounds x 453,592 = milligrams
1 pound = 454 grams 1 gram = 1000 millgrams therfore 1 pound = 454,000 milligrams
7.1 lb = 3220.5 milligrams, approx.
1kg=2.2lbs 550/2.2=250 * 1 million= 250million milligrams.
There are approximately 453.592 milligrams in one pound.
120lbs equates to about 54,431,085 milligrams.
No more than his pediatrician recommends.
There are 453.592 grams in a pound.
Pounds x 453,592 = milligrams
Gravol is the equivalent to Dramamine to help with motion sickness in dogs. The appropriate dose is 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
1 lb = 0.45359237 kg so 0.02 lb = 0.00907185 kg = 9.07185 grams = 9071.85 milligrams
Since there are 365 days in a year, it will use 365 x 75 lb = 27,375 lb (or 27,450 lb if it's a leap year).
Giving a dog Zanex is animal abuse. Take it to the vet.