Alabama has 160 miles of coastline at a minimum. This estimate does not include an estimate for the shoreline of the many peninsulas, islands and inlet bays which could easily make the total amount rise to 200 if not more.
North Carolina has approximately 301 miles of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.
New Jersey has approximately 130 miles of coastline.
The Fylde coast has a coastline of approximately 17 miles.
18 Miles
The US Pacific coastline is 7,623 statute miles long based on the general coastline.
About 1500 kilometers.
Florida has 1197 miles of coastline.
Approximately 1,500 miles of coastline.
1740 miles of coastline (2800 km)
North Carolina has approximately 301 miles of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.
New Jersey has approximately 130 miles of coastline.
The Fylde coast has a coastline of approximately 17 miles.
The Mississippi is 2,340 miles long and a good calculator will do the rest for you.
Germany has approximately 2,389 miles (3,835 kilometers) of coastline along the North Sea and Baltic Sea.