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there are about 8 in the western region

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Q: How many lakes are in the western region?
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What are the lakes of the western hemisphere?

what are the lakes of the western hemisphere?

What are the animals that live in the western coal fields?

Due to many rivers and lakes are found in Kentucky. It could be dangerous for. The region known as the Western Coal Field lies in the western half of Kentucky. So that's why it's my according to you otherwise you also can choose best answer according to you.

What region has the higher population density the great lakes region or the pacific northwest region?

great lakes region

What region is Great Lakes in?

its in the water region

Which city is not located in the Great Lakes Region?

There are many such cities. Copenhagen for instance.

How many region that Uganda has?

Uganda has a few land regions. The first is the Great Lakes region, where the country borders three Great Lakes of Africa: Lake Edward, Lake Albert, and Lake Victoria. The second is the tropical region near the equator. The third is the mountain region.

How many States in Western Region?

13 states are in the western area.

What US states had the most droughts in 2010?

According to NOAA, Report by Region, "The drought epicenters during 2010 were the western Great Lakes, much of the Southeast, the Ohio Valley, the mid-Atlantic states, Hawaii, and parts of the West." Western Great Lakes would be states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

What region touches the great lakes?

the northeast touches the Great Lakes

Who were the first martyrs of the Great Lakes Region?

There are no martyrs of the Great Lakes.

What begins with x and is in the great lakes region?

Xenia, Ohio is in the Great Lakes Region. The city is located in southwestern Ohio.

What is the largest city in the Great Lakes region?

Chicago is the largest city in the Great Lakes region.