

How many joints come together?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: How many joints come together?
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What is the point that two individual joints come together?

Two joints would never come together in a normal body. Two bones come together in a joint.

Where do your bones come toghether?

Bones come together at the joints!

What do bones form when they come together?

When bones come together, they form joints. Joints are connections between two or more bones that allow for movement and provide structural support to the body. There are different types of joints, such as pivot, hinge, ball and socket, and gliding joints.

Where do bones come together and allow no movement?

I don't know...... I can just tell you that the answer is NOT joints!Joints Something else, yes Do i know, no

What are skeletal joints?

Skeletal joints are where two bones come together, such as the knee is a hinge joint. Or the elbow is also a hinge joint.

What is a place where two bones come together?

tendons connect muscles and bones

What is the medical term meaning depressions and hollows for bones to come together at joints?

The medical term is "articular surfaces." These are the areas on bones where they come together at joints to form depressions and hollows that allow for movement and stability.

What does place where two bones meet?

Two bones come together at a joint or articulation. There are many different types of joints such as the "hinge" joint, the "ball and socket" joint, the "ellipsoid" joint, and more. Prominent joints on the human body include elbows and knees.

Do cartilage and tendons hold joints together?

Yes, cartilage and tendons hold joints together.

Hold bones together?

joints. (they JOIN bones together. JOINts join! :P )

What does the tendon do between the bone joints?

the small tendons hold the joints together.

Where do bones joins together?

at the joints.